Biggest FUT players hacked! EA criticised for FIFA 22 security system


Hacking scandal in FIFA 22! Several of the top FUT traders have lost their coins and teams. EA Sports is now under criticism for the FIFA security system.

Just recently, streamer Trymacs came forward to say that his FIFA account had been hacked not once, but twice, and all his coins had disappeared. Apparently this also happened to other well-known FIFA 22 players.

Numerous cases of hacking attacks

Many of FIFA’s biggest players have been affected by the hacking attacks, losing all their coins. The player “FUT Donkey”, who was number one on the Playstation leaderboard, had 50 million coins taken. On Twitter, he explained what exactly happened.

“When I got hacked yesterday, I was able to log into the console before they could even take my coins. I decided to delete my club, hoping EA would restore it later,” the FUT trader told. However, the measures reportedly did not help, coins and teams have since disappeared. More than suspicious for FUT Donkey, who fears the involvement of an insider.

FUT Donkey also criticised EA Sports for not offering him any help. Following these statements, several players came forward to complain about the game maker. Many want more clarification about the problems within the security system. In response, FUT Donkey, according to Dexerto, voiced his concerns and demands.

He said that he demands from EA that all affected people get their content back in FIFA and that the security system is completely revised. According to him, it is not the lost coins but the personal data that the hackers also get that worries him the most. Therefore the player started a petition to increase the pressure on EA.

A statement from EA will follow

Because of the events, David Purcell, a Dexerto employee, stepped in and contacted EA. An official statement from the FIFA publisher is now expected to follow soon

FUT Donkey doesn’t seem to have gotten any coins back yet, however he has gotten EA’s attention with his appeal. Many fans are now hopeful that something will change due to the accumulation of complaints. However, they will have to wait until EA’s statement. This is expected to come within the next 24 hours.