Division Rivals in FIFA 22 – All info about Rewards, Ranks and more

‎Division Rivals in FIFA 22
‎Division Rivals in FIFA 22

In FIFA 22 Ultimate Team there are new possibilities for rewards in Division Rivals. A Ranked Ladder with checkpoints secures players and provides more motivation.

The FUT mode in FIFA 22 changes a lot. In addition to the big changes to the Weekend League, Division Rivals are also in flux. With a seasonal system and the brand new Elite Division EA Sports wants to add more stimuli.

Some changes await the players in FIFA 22 Ultimate Team, as EA Sports published in the Pitch Notes on Tuesday. A season in Division Rivals lasts six weeks, the same length as any FUT season in FIFA 22. In Ranked Ladders, you can earn higher rankings by winning. Defeats, on the other hand, will drop you down. However, you will not automatically drop one rank if you reach a checkpoint. In the event of a draw, your position and rank will remain unchanged.

Targets from EA Sports for Division Rivals:

– More transparency in game progress, rewards and promotion opportunities

– Weekly game requirements to be reduced and game classes offered where users feel most comfortable

– Creating a competitive environment for top players with the new Elite Division and Leaderboard

– Variety in Division Rivals with the help of separate seasons

Game progression is one of the most important customisations in Division Rivals. (Source: EA Sports)
Game progression is one of the most important customisations in Division Rivals. (Source: EA Sports)

The ranks in Division Rivals provide information about how you are progressing in the respective season and what prospects there are for improvements and weekly rewards. In doing so, the checkpoints help to keep players at their skill level even after a worse period with defeats.

Through stages and winning streaks to advancement

There are so-called “stages” between the ranks. If you win a match, you move up one stage, if you lose, it’s the other way round – as long as a checkpoint doesn’t intercept the descent. A draw leaves the position unchanged.

The way to the next rank can be accelerated by winning several matches in a row. If you win two matches in a row, you can skip a stage and receive a flame symbol. This streak ends when you lose or draw.

There will be no placement matches in the Division Rivals of FIFA 22. All players start in Division 10 and try to improve in rank. Those who manage to be among the best players in Division 1 will be promoted to the new Elite Division.

In the Elite Division, a rating system will be used to evaluate skills, similar to FUT 21, and the top 200 will be publicly displayed on the global ranking. Every player who has reached the Elite Division has a place there until the end of the season.

Weekly Rewards

In Division Rivals, weekly rewards are earned by winning a certain amount of matches until the end of the week. Depending on the rank, there are the rewards after completion. Those who even move up a division at the end receive the rewards of the higher division.

In addition to the basic weekly rewards, players can improve their current weekly rewards by winning more matches each week.