eFootball with better graphics than FIFA 22? A direct comparison

eFootball with the better graphics than FIFA 22


Even on the first day, the community laughed about eFootball’s graphics glitches. But the direct comparison to FIFA 22 is surprising.

On 30 September 2021 was the release of eFootball, the football simulation from KONAMI. We tried on the free game and compared the graphics with FIFA 22.


eFootball vs. FIFA 22

When you compare both football simulations graphically and atmospherically, you are torn. We already reported on the graphic glitches in which Messi, Ronaldo and Co. look like zombies.

Apart from the facial expressions, eFootball delivers very good graphics, some of which look much better than FIFA 22. However, this quickly changes as soon as the faces try to show emotion.

The pre-match details are also more nicely packaged than in FIFA 22. While in FIFA 22 you get to see several menus, in eFootball you end up in the clubs’ players’ dressing rooms for kit selection and tactics.