FIFA 22 breaks attendance record – EA Sports draws a first conclusion

FIFA 22 breaks record number of participants


22 days after the release of FIFA 22 EA Sports draws an interim conclusion for the game. The football simulation is already breaking new records.

Last Friday EA has drawn a first interim balance for the new FIFA 22. 22 days after the release, more than 650 million goals have been scored and 6.5 trillion minutes of play have been invested in Germany alone.

In the entire world, the number of goals is even significantly higher. Five billion goals are scored per day, 89 million matches are played daily. FIFA players come from a total of 228 countries. Fans statistically prefer to control the top stars of Paris Saint-Germain and have already recreated 3.1 million clubs in career mode.

David Jackson, VP Brand at EA SPORTS FIFA, stated that the growth of the global football platform is proceeding at an “incredible pace”. Previous titles such as FIFA 21 and FIFA 20 have already broken records in terms of sales and playing time. The chances are good that FIFA 22 will also reach further milestones.