FIFA 22 – Collect for Upgrades: A feature the FUT community would celebrate



Besides all the announcements and rumours, we want to introduce you to an idea that FIFA 22 Ultimate Team desperately needs: collecting for upgrades.

The official release of FIFA 22 has finally been announced. According to this, the new season of the football simulation will start on 1 October 2021, for some a little earlier. But already now we get almost daily information about the new offshoot, which are either officially published by EA or spread as rumours.

This innovation FIFA 22 needs

There’s one point EA Sports got almost too well in FIFA 21: When the community is busy with SBCs and Objective tasks, they stay on the ball. In no year have there been as many promotions and challenges as in 2020/2021, a path that MarcFUTTrader says could be continued and expanded upon with the upcoming 2022 World Cup.

A World Cup collector’s book like you know from Panini. You collect the complete squad of a nation and get a FUT-Heroes card for it.

We think this idea is just great in combination with another problem – duplicate, unchangeable cards that you would have to discard.

How nice it would be to finally have an extra pile for duplicate player cards in FIFA 22. On the other hand, this “pile” could also take the form of a collection album that rewards us with a hero card at the end.