FIFA 22 Ultimate Edition – What you should do with 4600 Points

FIFA 22 Ultimate Edition
FIFA 22 Ultimate Edition

Who pre-ordered the FIFA 22 Ultimate Edition will get additional 4.600 FIFA Points for Ultimate Team. This is what you should do with it.

Since the beginning of July you can pre-order FIFA 22. You can choose between the Standard Edition, which will allow you to play from 1 October 2021, and the Ultimate Edition, which will allow you to start playing from 27 September. Pre-orderers of the Ultimate Edition will also receive 4600 FIFA Points for the Ultimate Team mode.

We’ll show you what you should do with them.

3 possibilities for 4600 FIFA-Points
Players who have not pre-ordered the Ultimate Edition would have to spend about 46 Euros to get the same amount of FIFA Points. With FIFA-Points you can buy packs in the game or you can play the draft mode. We will show you three possibilities you have with your Points.

1. possibility: FUT-Draft

The first possibility to invest your FIFA-Points is the FUT-Draft mode. One round costs 300 FIFA-Points.

Here, five cards are randomly suggested for each card slot in the team. From the selection, you then create the strongest possible team with maximum chemistry and start in up to four matches. The more games you can win, the more or better packs you can win. The FUT draft mode is available as “online against real opponents” and “single player against the CPU”. The latter, however, offers you worse packs.

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If you are really good, then definitely play online against real opponents. It’s already worth it from round two onwards, as the equivalent value of the rewards is well over 300 FIFA Points. If you lose several matches in the first round, switch to the single player draft. The rewards are worse, but you will certainly get further.

For 4600 FIFA Points you can play a total of 15 draft rounds. That’s between 15 and 60 games. If that takes too long for you, there is of course a quicker solution to get rid of the points.

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2nd option: buy packs

You see this often enough with content creators who do nothing but spend hours in the shop menu pulling packs. It’s not yet known which packs will be available right at the start, but mostly they are smaller gold packs with few player cards. So they are almost not worth it at all. If you don’t feel like drafting and prefer to invest your FIFA Points in packs, then please do it properly.

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3rd possibility: Wait for events

If you have coins in your virtual account at the beginning of the game, the last thing we would normally advise you to do is wait. But that’s exactly what you should do with FIFA Points. If you want to draw packs with FIFA Points, you should definitely wait for the right packs or cards.

Every Wednesday night the TOTW cards appear in the packs, the Ones-to-Watch cards follow in October and in the best case you even wait until January to catch a Team-of-the-Year player in the packs.

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Our recommendation is quite clear: Play the draft mode at the beginning to get much better rewards. This way you will get a lot of playing time, get to know the new gameplay and you can see different player cards which could fit especially well to the FIFA 22 BETA. One or the other card might even surprise you then.