FIFA 23 World Cup Mode leaked – All info about the DLC for the World Cup in Qatar


Two leaks reveal the features of the World Cup DLC for the World Cup in Qatar in FUT 23. With a trick you can already access it now.

In five weeks the ball will be rolling at the World Cup in Qatar. But already more and more leaks and information about the upcoming World Cup Mode in FIFA 23 are leaking out. Due to a bug, a YouTuber was even able to access the new feature. We have summarised all known information and leaks for you.

World Cup Mode in FIFA 23: Leaker publishes supposed features

Yesterday on Wednesday the leaker “DonkTrading” published a list with the supposed features and contents for the World Cup in FIFA 23 on Twitter. However, he didn”t mention from which sources he got this information.

According to DonkTrading all stadiums and participating teams of the World Cup 2022 will be playable in FIFA 23. In addition, the players can expect a lot of content in Ultimate Team. In addition to FUT Heroes and icons, there will also be Path-to-Glory cards, showdowns, swaps and a Team of the Tournament, according to the leaker.

All this will be released in a free DLC next November, according to DonkTrading. Exactly what that will look like is revealed in another leak also published on Wednesday.

World Cup Mode in FIFA 23: This is how it looks like

The FIFA-YouTuber “FUT Mentor” shows in his latest video how he can already access the homepage of the new World Cup Mode. This not only reveals the design of the new game mode, but also other features. The players of FIFA 23 will be able to replay the World Cup offline in the modes “FIFA World Cup Live” and “Kick-Off”. But also an “Online Tournament” mode can be seen.

In the video, however, FUT Mentor cannot yet try out any of the listed game modes. FUT Mentor gained access to the World Cup Mode via the “Multiplayer Activities” menu on the PlayStation 5, where “FIFA World Cup” was listed far down as a selectable option. Whether and to what extent this trick can be reproduced cannot be confirmed. However, the numerous menu items already give a first taste of the World Cup event in FIFA 23.