Fifa: EA opens again Fifa 19 Weekend League


In a surprising development EA Sports has reopened the Weekend League for FIFA 19 for next weekend. FIFA-Streamer Bateson87 stumbled over the news when he played the previous title of the current FIFA 20 again.

One-time reopening
Bateson87 received the message when starting the Ultimate Team mode in FIFA 19 and said the following:

“Hey FIFA fans, we’re going to open the FUT Champions Weekend League once on March 20th at 8am (German time). The event will take place in the familiar format and will be the last chance to fulfill outstanding achievements in the Weekend League”.

Never before EA opened the Weekend League on an old title and nobody knows why the developer deviated from the old pattern. On the part of EA there has been no official comment on the events so far.

If you want to be part of the FIFA 19 Weekend League, you should get in touch. If you don’t have enough qualification points you have to earn the 2000 points until next weekend.

Are there new rewards?
It is still unclear if and which rewards are waiting for the players for their participation in the FIFA 19 Weekend League. It is also not yet known if this will affect the Weekend League in FIFA 20. As soon as new information is available, we will keep you up to date of course.

What do you think about the sudden return of the FIFA 19 Weekend League? Tell us via Twitter, Facebook and Instagram!