Mega glitch at EA! FIFA 23 accidentally unlocked for Xbox now


What happened to EA again? Many Xbox users reported on Twitter that they can already play FIFA 23 now

The Microsoft Store on Xbox is causing a lot of uproar on the internet on 30 August. Because FIFA 23, announced for 30 September, was suddenly available in the shop and could be played.

According to some Twitter users, you could play the game normally including various modes such as Ultimate Team or Pro Clubs.

FIFA 23 playable – but not for everyone!

But not everyone could download the game. FIFA 23 was apparently only unlocked for some players. Nevertheless, the information quickly made the rounds and players who had access to the new FIFA naturally shared exclusive in-game content and, for example, leaked the stats of various Ultimate Team cards.

Among them also the ratings of the top players and the Bayern stars.

In the meantime FIFA 23 has disappeared from the store again and can’t be played anymore.

It is not yet clear how exactly this could happen to EA. That this mishap could have been intentional is in any case rather unlikely, because the scheduled release date is still a month away.