The No-Loss-Glitch in FIFA 22 – Here comes EA Sports’ Banhammer!

The No-Loss Glitch in FIFA 22


For days, videos have been circulating about a no-loss glitch in the FIFA 22 Champions Playoffs. EA Sports is now responding to the exploit with the banhammer.

To qualify for the Weekend League in FIFA 22 Ultimate Team, you have to win at least five out of nine games in the Champions Playoffs. For many, this hurdle seems to be too big. That’s where the no-loss glitch comes in just right. Just as right is probably the consequence that EA Sports is drawing from it.

No-Loss-Glitch draws ban with it

After the video of how to apply the no-loss glitch trended on Tiktok and other platforms, it didn’t take long for various people to try out this glitch. We have deliberately chosen not to report on this, as we feel that this glitch is not in the spirit of competition. Possibly more importantly for most:

Those who exploit glitches like this are in violation of EA SportsGuidelines and, as we see it now, can be banned.

If you don’t manage to qualify for the Weekend League, it’s not a big deal in the first place.

Get better instead of glitching

Just keep playing Division Rivals and Squad Battles on as high a difficulty level as possible. Watch streams from the pros and maybe a guide or two in our FIFA category will help. The journey is the goal, not the glitch.