WL alternative? This FIFA 22 idea is celebrated by the FUT community

This FIFA 22 idea is celebrated by the FUT community

If you can’t qualify for the Weekend League in FIFA 22, you’re out of luck. This fan idea could put an end to that.

Every weekend the so called Champions Finals take place in FIFA 22 Ultimate Team. After you have qualified via the playoffs, you play up to 20 games from Friday to Monday morning to get rewards. If you don’t qualify, you’re out of luck.

Champions League and Europa League this weekend

Whoever wants to qualify for the Champions Finals (formerly: FUT Champions Weekend League) at the moment must first earn 1,500 points in the Division Rivals to qualify for the playoffs. Up to this point, everything should remain the same.

Those who get at least five wins from nine games played in the playoffs will not only receive valuable packs, but will also qualify for the weekend. All those who fail to do so will have to collect 1,500 points again and play the playoffs again. The new fan idea restructures things a little here.

If you interpret the graphic correctly, nothing changes for playoffs that can qualify. Rather, this idea creates another space for those who didn’t make it but still want to play for cool rewards over the weekend. Furthermore, this innovation would be a nice use of UEFA’s competition licences if they allow for more than the cards we know.

So if there would be a division into UEFA Europa League and Champions League, you could also hand out corresponding rewards like Player Picks, which also act as a kind of status symbol in the team. Those who have CL picks seem to have achieved better results than those who have EL picks. Just like in real football.