Final Fantasy XVI grows up, but something sweet remains


The material released so far for Final Fantasy XVI shows that the title is intended to be more adult than its predecessors. This is now also reflected in the age rating that has so far been given by the respective Brazilian and American authorities. However, this does not mean that Square Enix is completely dispensing with droll characters.

Not only Final Fantasy fans are familiar with the cuddly little animals. Followers of Kingdom Hearts and the Mana series are also familiar with the droll fluffy balls. We are of course talking about the Mogry, which are called Moogles in English-speaking countries. These creatures have been part of the series since Final Fantasy III and delight fans with their cute exclamation “Kupo” as well as their droll appearance.

It is therefore not surprising that the Mogry will also appear in Final Fantasy XVI. A short clip shows that these cute creatures also fit into the gloomy setting of the upcoming title.

But as initial story information and the trailers shown so far suggest, that”s pretty much it for cute appearances in Final Fantasy XVI. The upcoming title seems to take a more serious tone than its predecessors and exposes players to a gritty setting. It is therefore not surprising that both the Brazilian Classificação Indicativa and the American ESRB have given the title very high age ratings.

Because of the depiction of violence, potential nudity, sexual depictions and strong language, the ESRB gives Final Fantasy XVI a rating of M 17+. In Brazil, they are similarly strict with the title and advocate an age rating of 16+. It could therefore be expected that the German USK will come to a similar conclusion.
You can find more news about Final Fantasy XVI in our (Overview). The adventure game will be released on 22 June 2023 exclusively for the PS5.