Final Fantasy XVI – This is what we already know about the story of the RPG


The newest part of the Final Fantasy series is about to start and the story is supposed to be the heart of the RPG. We have collected everything for you that we know so far about the story of the protagonist Clive.

Final Fantasy XVI is just around the corner and soon players will be able to dive into the world of Valisthea. Thanks to the bombastic trailers as well as information from interviews that have been released so far, we have already been able to find some clues about the story.


Naturally, many details about the story are listed in the following article. So if you prefer to dive into the game completely blind, please heed this spoiler warning and stop reading.

Valisthea in distress

The setting for the action in FF XVI is the medieval continent of Valisthea, divided into the western half of Styrm and the eastern half of Ashra. The setting is complemented by a good portion of magic and crystals, as already known from previous Final Fantasy parts. These crystals are not only landmarks of the kingdoms built around them, but also the source of the Aether and thus magic in the territories concerned.

Magic is only usable by “bearers” or domini (more on these later) and the populace eye them with suspicion or awe depending on the region.

(FF16 World Map of Valisthea (Image source: Square Enix))
(FF16 World Map of Valisthea (Image source: Square Enix))

1500 years before the events in the game, a technologically more advanced civilisation dominated the continent from the sky, but for unknown reasons it perished and now only ruins and legends bear witness to the past.

At the beginning of the plot, however, Valisthea finds itself in an ominous crisis. The rot is spreading. A phenomenon that not only causes the land to die, but also the Aether to dry up and with it magic, the basis of everyday life in Valisthea.

Even the mighty Mother Crystals are fading against the rot, so that a war has broken out between the six realms over the remaining resources.

Esper and Domini as weapons in the conflict

The most powerful weapon in this conflict are the Esper of the different countries. In FF16, these are bound to Domini, individuals who can control the power of Phoenix, Bahamut and other familiar summons from Final Fantasy.

Using their abilities, they dominate the battlefield at will and therefore play a central role in the war.

(Ramuh in Final Fantasy 16 (Image source: Square Enix))
(Ramuh in Final Fantasy 16 (Image source: Square Enix))

Depending on the territory, the Domini are treated differently. For example, the Dominus of Odin, Barnabas Tharmr, as King of Waluth, rules the entire eastern half of Ashra on the continent, while in the west on the islands in the Iron Kingdom all Domini are persecuted and executed as heretics.

The Revenge of Clive

In this heated situation we are thrown into the protagonist Clive Rosfield. As the first-born son of the Grand Duke of Rosaria, he was actually chosen to be the heir to the Western Empire. But to the surprise of many, it was not Clive but his younger brother Joshua who became Dominus of the national Esper Phoenix, making Joshua also heir to the throne.

Instead of being discouraged by this, Clive decides to become the “First Shield of Rosaria” to protect his brother. At the age of 15, he wins the ducal tournament and achieves his goal.

Shortly after, however, an attack on Rosaria occurs, leading to tragedy and changing Clive”s life.

It is not clear from the trailers who or what is responsible for the attack on Rosaria. All that is known is that a second Esper of Fire, Ifrit, was involved, which should be impossible since Phoenix is already the Esper of Fire.

The past has shaped Clive centrally and accordingly the players will also experience it first-hand through flashbacks, while in the present Clive hires himself out as a mercenary in the war of the six countries for the resources of Valisthea. Always on the lookout for those responsible for the raid to fulfil his revenge

(Final Fantasy XVI protagonist Clive Rosfield as a mercenary at the beginning of the game. (Image source: Square Enix))
(Final Fantasy XVI protagonist Clive Rosfield as a mercenary at the beginning of the game. (Image source: Square Enix))

On his quest for revenge, Clive not only has to deal with the turmoil of war. He also meets the other Domini in Valisthea, some of whom are friendly but also hostile to him.

He becomes particularly friendly with Cidolfus Telamon, the Dominus of Ramuh, who strives to build a home for porters and Domini far from their fate.

Who is to blame for the rot?

While Clive is focused on his revenge, he also gets closer and closer to the mysteries surrounding the Rot and the Mother Crystals as the storyline takes him through Valisthea.

Thus, especially in latest trailers, it is shown that the various Domini are anything but tools in the service of their nations. Instead, they pursue their own agenda.

So it can be clearly made out that the mother crystals are in some way related to the rot. Cidolfus even goes so far as to be willing to destroy the crystals, despite all the adversity this may cause.

What exactly the secret behind the rot is and to what extent the crystals and Domini are cooking their own soup, we will probably only find out in the game. But it certainly shows that the game”s story has more than one or two twists up its sleeve.

Who will triumph in the end? The nations, the Domini or the Mother Crystals? And will Clive be able to avenge the tragedies of his youth? We are definitely curious and look forward to the release on 22 June so that we can finally experience the story.