Easily uncover enemies and crates in Fortnite – IO drills with new feature


The IO Drills have appeared in Fortnite and now scanners can be seen there as well. These can help you win the Battle Royale.

The IO drills are now scattered all over the map in Fortnite. As of late, there’s also a helpful tool for you there.

Scan the environment in Fortnite

The story around the IO continues and the five drills can be found in Fortnite. But now there is something new to discover there: At each drill you will find a computer where you can perform a scan. Through this scan, you can discover enemies in a large radius, but also crates and other creatures such as Klombos.

While the drill also has a one minute cooldown, you don’t normally use the same one more than once, but move on afterwards. So if you pass by one of the drills, it definitely can’t hurt to do a quick scan. The exact locations of the IO drills can be found in this illustration.