Finally Ranked in Fortnite! All info on the new mode


Good news for the Fortnite community: The popular Battle Royale is finally getting a Ranked mode. In this article you will find all the information known so far.

While other games of the same genre have long offered a competitive mode, Fortnite fans have had to be patient until now. But the wait is over, as Epic Games finally announced Ranked Mode for Fortnite on 12 May.

Ranked in Fortnite – This is what the new mode will look like

On Twitter, the official Fortnite account posted a teaser on May 12 showing the different rank icons of the upcoming Ranked mode.

The comments under the post are positive across the board. Fans of the Battle Royale are hyped and even well known streamers seem to be completely giddy about the announcement.

While Epic Games hasn’t revealed any more information on Twitter yet, you can get a (slightly more detailed look) into the developer’s plans on their site.

Fortnite Ranked – When will the mode be available?

The new Fortnite Ranked mode is expected to be released as early as patch v24.40 on May 16 

So after a short server downtime, you can start climbing the leaderboard ladder in Fortnite as early as tomorrow.

Fortnite Ranked – Ranks and Divisions

As you could already tell from the icons in the video, there will probably be 8 leagues in Fortnite.