Wild Week: Bird Attack in Fortnite Chapter 3 – This task will help you tremendously in normal Battle Royale.
Wild Week: Bird Attack in Fortnite! This week you have to solve tasks with the chickens in Fortnite Chapter 3.
Wild Week: Bird Attack- All Tasks
This week in Wild Week: Bird Attack you must complete the following tasks:
- Toss five chickens
- Slide 30 yards while carrying a chicken
- Open a safe while carrying a chicken
- Catch a chicken in three different matches
- Hop on a hoop, umbrella or web bouncer while carrying a chicken
- Fly a chicken 20 metres
The last task also proves to be very helpful for the game itself. We’ll show you exactly how it works
Move faster with the Chicken Express
Some chickens walk around on the map. They don’t bring you any new firepower, but they serve as an extremely effective glider.
You only need one chicken and you can float extremely far over the map. To do this, you first have to catch the birds. The little animals run away from you and change direction to throw you off. However, once you have caught one, your character will hold the chicken above his head.
The Chicken Launch is the new God rotate 😲
Credit: @ItsWayzy pic.twitter.com/CLDPskaZel
– Fort Intel (@FortINTEL) March 17, 2021
With this, your jumps are now more effective, which can be perfectly combined with a Launch Pad. These launch pads are placed on the six Guardian Spires. If you jump off one of these pads with a chicken, you will be able to soar further than with any other option in the game.
The long-distance flight can be used effectively for rotations to escape the storm. However, be aware of your surroundings so that you don’t get shot down by other players in flight.
Where can I find the chickens in Fortnite Chapter 3?
In order to complete all the tasks in Fortnite Chapter 3, it certainly helps to know the spawn locations of the little chickens.

When does the “Wild Week: Bird Attack” end?
If you want to complete all the tasks, you have until 15 March 2022 at 3pm to do so. After that, the chickens will still be on the map and will be available for express service, but without additional experience points.