Fortnite introduces new party mode!


With Astronomical the Fortnite developers have succeeded in creating a huge event. Now Epic Games is planning a mode that is all about fun and party.

Already on 09 May the “Party Royale” is to start. The premiere will start at 3 a.m. The star DJs Dillon Francis, Steve Aoki and Deadmau5 will be there! At the main stage on the big screen you can watch them live on stage.

The crux of the matter: In contrast to previous events, like the concerts of Marshmello or Travis Scott, this time a completely new mode will be created. In Party Royale you can neither build nor shoot.

More as only music

Besides the DJ acts the party mode offers even more. For all those who log in during the short festival, there is a new back accessory called Neonwing that moves with the music.

There are also more attractions distributed on the new map. For example, there will be an obstacle course, a boat race and new items to pick up. But even there it remains peaceful.

The motto of the new mode is: “No stress. Very chilled. Let’s party!”

Catch-up dates
For those who don’t have time for the first appointment or are simply already in bed, there is also a second appointment to celebrate. In the evening of the same day the whole show will be broadcasted again. This goes then from 20 o’clock to 21 o’clock. At both dates it is possible to join the running show.