Fortnite player reaches level 1,000 – This is what happened!

Fortnite player reaches level 1,000

The YouTuber RAGES REVENGE cracked the level 1,000 mark in Fortnite. However, the game seemed unprepared for it.

Fortnite YouTuber RAGES REVENGE on Monday became the first player in the world to reach level 1,000 in the Battle Royale’s Battle Pass. However, developer Epic Games apparently didn’t expect such a high level to be earned by anyone: The in-game consequences were quite disappointing.

RAGES REVENGE streamed the remarkable milestone on YouTube. He played along with friends, recording the jump from level 999 to level 1,000. When he finally collected the required experience points and “Level 1,000” appeared, the excitement was high. But nothing happened at all. The YouTuber received no reward, no special message – nothing. Apparently Epic had not planned to programme anything for the milestone. Only the friends of RAGE danced around him excitedly and celebrated the success. He was able to continue collecting XP afterwards, so there is presumably no limit to the highest level.

The YouTuber also showed his Career level during the stream, which is an impressive 6,311 levels. This could also be the highest level worldwide.

If you want to see the jump to level 1,000, you can click on minute 14:20 in the following video.