Fortnite shuts down its biggest unique selling point in the new Season


With building, one of the most important features in Fortnite has been switched off. We tell you what’s behind it and when it’s coming back.

Fortnite launched into Season 2 of Chapter 3 on Sunday with Update 20.00. In a complete surprise, the developers disabled the game’s biggest unique selling point that sets Fortnite apart from all other Battle Royale games.

No, the screaming children and the in-game shop with its hundreds of cosmetics are still there – but instead, probably the most prominent feature, building, has been temporarily removed from the game.

Season 2 starts without building

You can recognise a real Fortnite pro by the fact that he not only has good aim, but can also build a three-storey mansion with a pool within a few seconds. At least in the standard game mode, however, this is no longer possible, because the building feature has now been switched off with the start of the new season.

Why is Epic doing this? What many of you may not have known: Fortnite has a rather complex story around secret organisations, multiverses and time loops, which is told entirely in multiplayer. As part of this story, the bad guys from the IO secret society have deployed a device that makes all player buildings disappear – seen in the latest trailer to get you in the mood for Season 2:

However, the players are not completely defenceless against the fire of their enemies. As a replacement, each player gets an additional shield that recharges automatically. In addition, the running speed has been increased and you can now climb up ledges, both of which can certainly help with evasion.

When will building return?

The removal of the core feature is not permanent, however: the loading screen already indicates that the community will be able to reclaim building as part of an upcoming quest.

When will building return? According to dataminer iFireMonkey, building will become part of the standard mode again nine days after the start of the Season – so pretty much on 29 March 2022.

If you’ve always given Fortnite a wide berth because learning how to build is a pretty big barrier to entry, now would be a good time to give it a play and see for yourself what the biggest hype game of the last few years is all about.