Fortnite Update – Rumours of Batman Crossover and New Spider-Man Action


The famous superheroes may be getting new outfits in Fortnite. To coincide with the release of The Batman movie, there is speculation about the next crossover in Battle Royale.

The update V.19.40 was released in Fortnite on Tuesday. Thus, the “Wild Week: Spider-Man & Action!” is available. But alongside the patch, rumours are getting louder announcing a brand new crossover with Batman.

Crossovers with famous characters are not uncommon in Fortnite. In February, a major collaboration appeared with Nathan Drake and the popular video game series Uncharted. Now it could be heading for Hollywood again. According to insider “KnightWing”, a new crossover with the famous bat is set to launch in Fortnite for the release of The Batman.

The self-proclaimed Batman expert had received information reporting a “skin this week or next”. The new film, The Batman, stars former Twilight star Robert Pattinson. Officially, the film opens in German cinemas on Thursday.

A crossover with Batman in Fortnite already appeared several years ago. In addition, DC Comics published a special issue called “Batman/Fortnite: Foundation” last October. Accordingly, a new skin featuring The Batman seems anything but out of the question.

Update brings more Spider-Man action

Aside from the speculation surrounding Batman, it is certain that Spider-Man will still be a part of the current Fortnite Season. From March 1 to 8, players will be able to find significantly more web-shooting items, which will even be lurking in chests, in “Wild Week: Spider-Man & Action!”. In addition, jumping fields appear, which are available in vaults. Thus, the coming days should see even more spider webs appear in the Battle Royale and thus more users flying through the air.

In addition, the update expands the high stacker mode. “The impostor (voice chat) mode will now use proximity voice chat, which means you will only be able to hear players near your character,” says Epic Games.