“It doesn’t need a skill” – OP weapon makes even Fortnite pros despair


The drum shotgun returned from the vault to Fortnite. Since then, the weapon has dominated the current meta in the game.

One weapon currently dominates the battlefield in Fortnite – the drum shotgun. It does an enormous amount of damage at a distance and even makes old Fortnite veterans like star streamer Tyler “Ninja” Blevins despair.

With the start of Chapter 3 Season 2, the drum shotgun returned to Battle Royale. Epic Games, however, reworked the weapon specifically for its return from the vault. Since then, the shotgun has dominated matches in Fortnite. Patch 20.40 on Tuesday also brought no changes or nerfs for the weapon.

The drum shotgun comes up against every other weapon in Battle Royale without any major problems. Even Fortnite pros don’t stand a chance against the drum shotgun. The weapon eliminates the entire shield at short range with just one blow and also has a very high rate of fire, which means that the players no longer have a chance to dodge the enormous damage.

Even at long range, this one still deals tremendous damage. If you hit everything with the Legendary version, you do over 200 damage per second. Even the Fortnite veteran Ninja seems to have a chip on his shoulder about the drum shotgun. “This one doesn’t require a skill. Remove this from the game,” the streamer railed in his livestream on Friday. According to Ninja, the drum shotgun would spoil the fun of Fortnite and should disappear back into the vault as soon as possible.