Optimus Prime soon to be in Fortnite? Hints of cooperation with Transformers found


There already seem to be some hints of a possible collaboration between Transformers and Fortnite.

Currently, more and more leaks are surfacing on the internet that point to a possible crossover between Fortnite and Transformers. Even Epic Games seems to be not entirely averse to such a collaboration. As a result, Optimus Prime could appear in the Battle Royale.

The well-known Fortnite leaker Shiina already published a list of possible clues for a crossover between the Battle Royale and Transformers. The franchise based around the Transformers movies is celebrating its 15th anniversary. According to Shiina, Epic Games and Hasbro maintain a good relationship with each other. Moreover, it would not be the first time that a brand of the corporate giant has appeared in Fortnite.

Already last year there was a collaboration between G.I. Joe and the Battle Royale. Through this, the character Snake Eyes appeared in the game. Also a blue bus on the map, which is held by two cars, should give a hint to the collaboration. The two vehicles look like legs and could point to Optimus Prime, who plays a central role in the movies. Publisher Epic Games has also hinted at where things might be heading with the saying “It’s Prime Time” to go with the new weapon skin.

The leaker InTheShade has also provided further clues about a crossover. Allegedly, a new vehicle is to be implemented, which goes by the codename “PlateHawk” and has a number of features in store. According to InTheShade, it is a mech from which the players:inside can shoot and sprint – another indication of a collaboration. So far, however, there is no official statement from Epic Games.