Revolutionary feature – Is no-build mode coming to Fortnite?

No-Build Mode Coming in Fortnite


According to a dataminers Twitter post, Fortnite could soon get a classic Battle Royale mode with no build feature.

Fortnite without a pickaxe? That could soon be possible. At least that’s what a rumour suggests, which has been hotly debated on reddit and Twitter since Tuesday. According to the rumour, developer Epic Games is currently working on a “No Build Mode” that is supposed to reduce the game to classic Battle Royale gameplay.

The rumour was triggered by a Twitter post by Fortnite dataaminers “GMatrixGames”, who, according to his own information, develops apps that access the Fortnite API. He claims to have found out that Epic is currently testing a “No Build Playlist”. However, the user does not provide any proof. Epic has not yet made an official confirmation.

Nonetheless, the “leak” was met with much positive feedback from the community. “I’m not going to lie, as someone who can’t build well, I’m hyped,” wrote user “Lukeyguy_” on reddit. “This would be a game mode that casuals could enjoy,” says “IzTendo” on Twitter.

Actually, collecting wood, stone and metal is an indispensable part of Fortnite. Players:inside use it to build walls, stairs or temporary protection from opponents:inside. This is what sets Fortnite apart from most Battle Royale games, as they do not include such a feature.