The Foundation Challenges in Fornite – How to get the skin and more


The Foundation or also The Rock has excited many Fortnite fans. Now we can also finally unlock the skin with these quests.

The Foundation is a Fortnite character that has been in the history of Battle Royale for a long time. At the start of Chapter 3, fans were surprised by the reveal that Dwayne “The Rock” Jonsen was behind the mask of The Foundation.

The Foundation Quests

The leaker and dataminer “FN_Assist” has found out what the Foundation’s Challenges look like. FN_Assist is already known to many Fortnite players and his leaks have always been very reliable. Therefore, it can be assumed that he is right again.

How to solve the challenges

The quests offer lots of rewards, all of which have something to do with the foundation. We show you the exact tasks, how to solve them and the corresponding rewards here:

Visit the Statue of the Foundation, an Outpost of the Seven and Sanctuary ► Reward: The Foundation Skin

We have marked the outposts for you again here

  • Use four shield potions in one game ► Reward: True Foundation Spray
  • Snipe an enemy with a Sniper while kneeling ► Reward: Cape of Foundation
  • Help eliminate Gunnar ► Reward: Tactical Sight Toggle Emote
  • Do 1,000 damage with shotguns or SMGs from above ► Reward: The Foundation (Tactical)
  • Search crates or ammo boxes in Covert Cavern ► Reward: The Wealth of the Foundation (Emote)
  • Do damage to enemies at close range, i.e. with the Harvest Tool ► Reward: The Plasma Spike of the Foundation (Harvest Tool)
  • Hire a character and walk with them for 1,000 metres ► Reward: Weapon Skin of the Foundation

Some NPCs can be hired in the game for gold, which will then help you in battle. These include, for example, Galactio in Tilted Towers

  • Do 500 damage to enemies with an uncommon or common weapon ► Reward: The Foundation (Combat Elite)
  • Land twice at an Outpost of the Seven and get into the Top 10 ► Reward: The Rocket Wing (Glider)

Further up in the text you can find a map with the outposts.

  • Complete all foundation quests ► Reward: The Rocket Wing (Stealth version)

As you can see, the tasks are not particularly difficult, which is why it’s worth trying them out. It is not yet known exactly what the rewards all look like. It is expected that you will be able to start the quest from 03 February.