Winterfest in Fortnite: Start date, all skins and information about the event at a glance


Not only are the holidays coming up in our world, but Fortnite is also inviting you to Winterfest 2024. We’ll tell you everything we know about the event so far.

Not only in the city centers and living rooms is the mood set for the contemplative holiday season. Many multiplayer games also reach deep into the box of holiday decorations and entice with new game modes and skins. In Fortnite, too, you can get your hands on a lot of content again this year. We’ll let you know when Winterfest 2024 starts and what’s in it.

  • Event time: Start and length of the Winterfest 2024
  • Skins: Cosmetics and Sprays
  • Cards and other new features

Event time: Start and length of the winter festival 2024

The 2024 Winter Festival starts on December 20 and is expected to end on January 7 in the new year. This was announced by the official Fortnite account on Twitter/X:

The 33.11 update is scheduled for Wednesday, December 18, according to leakers, and presumably includes the event’s content and changes.

Skins: Cosmetics and Sprays

Officially, no specific skins have been announced yet, but it is highly likely that older skins from previous years will return alongside new ones.

You will be able to purchase these skins with V-Bucks, which you can get either through in-game purchases or by playing for a long time. Among the new outfits is a Christmas skin for Snoop Dog, whose name Data Miner found in the game files: “Snoop on the stoop”. That’s what the iconic rapper calls his Christmas alter ego.

But you’ll also get a few goodies without having to reach into your virtual wallet. According to leakers, these include a few sprays, an emote, shoes, and at least one complete skin called “Guffmas Tree,” which you can see as a spray in the bottom right of this tweet:

Maps and other new features

It is to be expected that the maps in Fortnite will also be thematically adapted. Some rumor that in addition to purely visual changes, gameplay innovations will also be added. Accordingly, it should be possible to jet across frozen lakes with an ice skating item.

What is certain, however, is the return of the Oberknackers hut, which was also evident from Fortnite’s tweet. Players were already able to visit it during the 2022 Winterfest in the game menu and “earn” XP comfortably in front of the fireplace.

You’ll notice that not everything is set in stone yet, but we’ll of course keep you updated as soon as more details are known.

If you want to feel a fresh old wind in your hair right now, you can also play the old Fortnite in the so-called OG Pass. The classic map and familiar loot from the good old days await you there.