Forza Horizon 5: The first patch fixes more than players would like

The hotfix for Forza Horizon 5

The hotfix for Forza Horizon 5 is now here and finally fixes crashes and disconnects. However, it also removes a popular wheelspin trick.

As the developers announced earlier this week, the first update for Forza Horizon 5 has finally been released. The developers promise that, among other things, the extremely annoying network problems will be fixed – but for many fans of the racing game, the hotfix has a bad taste.

As the developers announced earlier this week, the first update for Forza Horizon 5 has finally been released. The developers promise that, among other things, the extremely annoying network problems will be fixed – but for many fans of the racing game, the hotfix leaves a bad taste in their mouths.

These have now been partially fixed, as the official patch notes confirm – even if they are quite short for a 5 GB update.

The most important changes: According to the developers, several reasons for crashes have been fixed. This should especially please the players who were regularly kicked out of the game without any error messages – and especially those who therefore never got past the tutorial.

The annoying connection problems are also said to have been fixed. The times when you constantly drove into invisible walls and suddenly couldn’t move because the server connection was lost again are now hopefully history.

Community mourns the loss of Wheelspin Trick

Even though the community has been eagerly awaiting the hotfix, many players are now being presented with a change they had not hoped for. The wheelspin trick, with which you could scam yourself infinite wheelspins by buying a cheap Willys jeep, has now also been fixed in the course of the update.

At least on Reddit, where many hardcore fans of the game exchange information, there is currently no talk about anything else: While many were already expecting it, disappointment prevails – especially among players who preferred racing instead of going to the casino.

Since many players have collected hundreds of skill points that they can now no longer invest meaningfully, the search is now on for a successor. The hottest candidate at the moment after the end of the Willys flood is the Mazda RX7: With 37,000 credits, it costs only minimally more, but also delivers a rare super wheelspin for 11 invested skill points. So the trick hasn’t completely disappeared, but simply requires more time.

Patch Notes for the first Forza Horizon 5 Update

Game Stability

Multiple crashes fixed

  • Fixed a possible crash that could occur when earning an emote while offline
  • Fixed a possible crash that could occur when starting a Horizon Arcade
  • Fixed a possible crash when spawning traffic vehicles
  • Fixed a crash when loading EventLab events
  • Fixed a crash when upgrading cars


  • Improved stability of Horizon Life connections
  • Improvements in online traffic
  • Fixed issue where player’s car would stop when disconnected from Horizon Life
  • Disable Convoy voice chat to reduce long load times during online events
  • Improvements in Horizon Arcade for visibility of other players and entering and exiting arcade events
  • Eliminator Head to Heads did not finish when players reached the finish point

Wheel compatibility

Fixed a disconnection pop-up that prevented the wheels from working correctly on the PC.

  • The vehicle championships for various vehicles have been updated to fix an exploit
  • An exploit that could be achieved when creating challenge maps has been removed
  • An exploit when creating certain track configurations in EventLab has been fixed
  • Fixed an issue that allowed players to purchase cars in the car collection screen that were not available in the car showroom
  • Added checks to prevent exploit with driving aids
  • Players can now no longer download music tracks before starting a race


  • Fixed that the VIP player house was not free for some VIPs
  • Fixed that the VIP house was not giving the player the correct Forzathon points multiplier
  • Fixed an issue where some VIP players were not receiving Super Wheelspins


  • Fixed players not receiving the loyalty reward for playing Forza Motorsport 5
  • Fixed an issue with Car Collection where it was possible for a player to lose pending rewards when quitting the game
  • UGC payouts rebalanced

PC settings

  • Fixed resolution scaling issue causing depth issues with GTAO on PC
  • Fixed an issue where distant terrain appeared low resolution on PC Ultra settings


  • Fixed an issue where it was possible for the player to fall out of the world after completing the exam
  • Fixed an issue where typing on the “Press Start” screen would not work
  • The difficulty of the Cross Country event has been made slightly easier on Drivatar difficulty levels below “Unbeatable” to soften some difficulty spikes
  • Fixed the issue of EventLab notifications persisting in Freeroam
  • Fixed some missing icons for awards on Xbox One and Xbox One S
  • The swear filter was not applied correctly on Super7