5 great new Steam releases you’ve probably missed


We show you Steam games that hardly anyone has on their radar. These insider tips inspire their few players

Do games have to sell millions of copies to be really good? Or can special little plants also thrive in the shade? We explore this question every week and present our findings here. Here are five new Steam games that only very few users have on their radar.

This time with a fabulous building game, a cyberpunk shooter for the hairstyle-conscious and a solid old-school role-playing game. Have fun with our five secret gaming tips for the weekend:


(Genre:City-building game – Steam-Release:May 13, 2024 – Price:21 Euro)

Look here, a new construction game: And one that makes use of a theme that’s pretty much stale for the genre. Fabledomis about fables, as the title suggests, i.e. fairy tales in the broadest sense.

Pigs fly through your city settlement, you can encounter dragons and witches and cultivate relationships with your fantasy neighbors. The game focuses on relaxed gameplay, so you don’t have to expect a lot of pressure here and can instead let the day fade away.Fabledom could be balm for the soul of settler fans

Approval on Steam:88 percent of over 3,200 reviewers vote positively.

Mullet Madjack

(Genre:Retro-Shooter – Steam-Release:May 15, 2024 – Price:20 Euro)

Combination with Schnorres and a casual jogging suit has long been socially acceptable. And often used as a stylistic device for a bit of 1980s flair, as inMullet Madjack.

In the fast-paced first-person shooter, which falls into the category ofBoomer Shooterbecause of its retro factor, you shoot your way through heaps of androids with stylized guns that are part of this anime-inspired cyberpunk dystopia. For Dimithis type of shooter is something very special.

Approval on Steam:98 percent of over 1,000 reviewers vote positively.

Dread Delusion

(Genre:Retro RPG – Release:May 14, 2024 – Price:17 Euro)

Here comes a role-playing game for all those who used to have much more fun playing. The graphics ofDread Delusionmight remind you a little of the good old days ofThe Elder Scrolls: Morrowind.

You explore a large open world of flying continents and discover locations whose inhabitants provide you with quests. You will learn powerful magic and uncover dangerous knowledge.

Approval on Steam:91 percent of over 1,200 reviewers vote positively.

Dog Brew

(Genre:Dog life simulation – Release:April 30, 2024 – Price:4 Euro)

Some dogs like beer. I’ve known that since a bored four-legged friend slurped up my spilt wheat in a pub. But the fact that they practise the art of brewing beer themselves remains a phenomenon of the video game sphere.

InDog Brewyou build a farm like inStardew Valley, but with the focus on the brewery, the profits of which our dog hero uses to free himself from the stranglehold of debt.

Approval on Steam:98 percent of over 1,000 reviewers vote positively.

Echoes of the Plum Grove

(Genre:Human life simulation – Release:April 29, 2024 – Price:20 Euro)

A touch of Stardew Valley again, but with cute little people:Echoes of the Plum Grovelets you raise a farm, farm and make new friends in nearby locations.

The game focuses mainly on relaxed gameplay without much pressure. However, there is also an unexpectedly dark component to Echoes of the Plum Grove. Because if you don’t prepare properly in summer, you could be in for a rude awakening in the cold winter

Approval on Steam:90 percent of over 1,000 reviewers vote positively.

And, did we hit your taste with one of our featured games this week? Which game do you want to check out now? Have you dug up an insider tip on Steam that you’d like to recommend? Feel free to write it in the comments: