5 new Steam favorites that get too little attention


Not just fruit, but hidden gems: We show you five new games on Steam that even fans can easily overlook

Weekend is insider tip time: We have once again tracked down five often overlooked games on Steam for you that hardly anyone has on their radar, but are well received by insiders.

This timewith tactical special mages, old-school real-time strategy and a survival game set in the world of The Lord of the Rings. Have fun with our five Steam insider tips for the weekend

Tactical Breach Wizards

(Genre:Turn-based tactics –Steam-Release:August 22, 2024 –Price:20 Euro)

How much cooler would special forces be if they were made up of magicians? This is the question that Tactical Breach Wizardsexplores. You send your SWAT pointy hats through a series of missions and use different magic skills

In the turn-based battles, you use the skills to cast spells on enemies or catapult them out of windows. There is also a story centered around a conspiracy. Oh yes, andTactical Breach Wizards enchants Steam users beyond measure.

Approval on Steam:97 percent of over 2,600 reviewers vote positively.

9-Bit Armies

(Genre:Real-time strategy –Steam-Release:August 26, 2024 –Price:20 Euro)

Behind9-Bit Armies: A Bit Too Faris none other than the developer Petroglyph, who is also responsible for the highly acclaimed remaster ofCommand & Conquer

So you can expect a rather old-school real-time strategy game in 9-Bit Armies. This also applies to the graphic style, which relies on angular voxels. You can expect a campaign with around 30 missions and online multiplayer.

Approval on Steam:86 percent of over 500 reviewers vote positively.

The Lord of the Rings: Return to Moria

(Genre:Survival-Adventure –Steam-Release:August 27, 2024 –Price:25 Euro)

It’s amazing that it took so long for someone to take the Lord of the Rings into the survival genre. With theReturn to Moriayou slip into the skin of dwarves who are once again digging too deep and too greedily. And the game is now also available on Steam

Craft tools and weapons, expand your own base and explore the vaults of Moria, which are of course teeming with nasty orcs and other monsters.

Approval on Steam:80 percent of over 400 reviewers vote positively.

Gundam Breaker 4

(Genre:Action –Steam-Release:August 29, 2024 –Price:from 60 Euro)

No, no armed dams are breaking here – this is about flying combat robots made famous by the Japanese Bandai brand Gundam. As the publisher, Bandai Namco has now released Gundam Breaker 4hence the silly pun.

Here, you build your own powerful suit and use it to blast away at heaps of enemies, master the action-heavy combat system and hopefully have fun in the process. In any case, Dimiis a real Gundam fan in our editorial team who will be happy to introduce you to this fascinating game.

Approval on Steam:79 percent of over 700 reviewers vote positively.


(Genre:Pachinko-Roguelike –Steam-Release:August 27, 2024 –Price:20 Euro)

Pachinkois not particularly popular here in the West, but perhaps that will change a little thanks toPeglin The roguelike is reminiscent of Slay the Spire, except that you control all attacks by throwing bullets in the arcade machine.

You determine the direction in which a ball is thrown and it then flips around, triggering certain triggers. The better you throw, the more damage you deal

Consent on Steam:81 percent of over 10,000 reviewers vote positively.

How do you like this week’s Steam insider tips? Have you found a new game that you’ll be adding to your wishlist? Have you come across an often overlooked game that you’d like to recommend to other readers? Let us know in the comments! We’re always happy to read your opinions, ideas and suggestions.