7 years of waiting: The role-playing phenomenon Undertale now has a free prequel


Undertale is an internet favorite and an extraordinary role-playing game. A fan prequel could almost be an official spin-off and is now available

Undertale remains a small role-playing gem that has gathered a huge fan base over the years. Hardly any other indie game has developed such a cult following, which has now spawned thousands and thousands of fan projects and works of art.

A particularly exciting project called Undertale Yellow was recently released after seven years of development and is definitely worth a look. You can download the game right here.

Almost a full-fledged spin-off

When you download Undertale Yellow, you basically get a complete game Even if it is a free fan project. But the creators have really gone to great lengths to develop a coherent prequel to Undertale. In terms of visuals, presentation and game design, this fan project is in no way inferior to the original

You will experience a new journey through the underworld, in the course of which you will encounter new enemies and new friends. It should even be possible to play through the game several times and follow a different route each time. In addition, a major new feature advertised is that you can wear a cowboy hat at all times!

(Visually and in terms of gameplay, Yellow is almost indistinguishable from Undertale.)
(Visually and in terms of gameplay, Yellow is almost indistinguishable from Undertale.)

Well, there are actually some real optimizations compared to the original, such as the ability to run. In terms of story, however, you should definitely have played Undertale beforehand if you don’t want to be spoiled by this great story.

On the other hand, Undertale Yellow is supposed to be a bit more difficult, so better prepare yourself with the original first.

The fans love it

How much love and care the developers of the prequel have poured into the game can also be seen in the reviews on social media. On (YouTube) many players write that they have been waiting for it for ages. Those who have played praise the content to the skies. Undertale fans in particular will get their money’s worth here.

Fans have been waiting a long time for the original creator Toby Fox to at least complete a proper sequel to the exceptional game. The official successor Deltarune is already playable on Steam, but this only contains two of the five planned chapters. There is no release date yet for the eagerly awaited final three chapters

What is your opinion on Undertale and Undertale Yellow? Did you enjoy this gem and do you think Undertale is as brilliant as many of its fans out there? Have you already tried the unofficial prequel and how did you like it? Does it hit the Undertale core or is it noticeable that other people are sitting on it? Let us know in the comments!