91 percent positive on Steam: Cyberpunk fans are enthusiastic about Shadows of Doubt


Solving difficult cases as a private detective in a sci-fi noir city goes down well with players. The open-world game will soon be leaving Early Access

Since April 2023, Shadows of Doubthas been in Early Access on Steam. The release of the full version is now just a few weeks away, and the game will also be released for Sony and Microsoft consoles at the same time.

Release date of Shadows of Doubt

Developer ColePowered Games announces via X, formerly Twitter, that Shadows of Doubt will not only end the test phase on Steam on September 26, 2024 but will also be released for thePS5 and Xbox Series X & S

With version 1.0 there will be a new kidnapping case and more ways to interact with the killers. The developers do not want to reveal what else will change with the release of the full version until a later date

Tip:If the game immediately grabs your inner investigator, you should purchase Shadows of Doubt before August 23rdon Steam. That’s when the price increases from 20 to 25 euros

How to play Shadows of Doubt

In the large sandbox, you can move around freely and interact with all the inhabitants of a dark sci-fi city. Most of the time you are on the hunt for criminals, as your main task in Shadows of Doubt is to solve criminal cases

To do this, you follow clues and try to convict the perpetrator. Sometimes the evidence is hidden in secret documents, for which you have to hack security systems and even break in somewhere. Sometimes, however, evidence can also be found in the garbage can next to the crime scene.

You should therefore enjoy meticulous investigative work and also have an appreciation for the game’s pixelated look

This is what Steam users love

In the Steam reviews, numerous users report on their actual experiences with Shadows of Doubt and they differ greatly from one another.

This is due on the one hand to the procedurally generated game world&nbspand on the other to the few tools the game provides you with. Real investigative work is required here and this is exactly what players particularly like about

Steam userkDenossays: “I haven’t seen such a uniquely beautiful game in a long time. You definitely can’t go wrong with 20 euros. “

DesolatiolupusI particularly like the many freedoms that are available when solving cases“This is one of the few games that really lives the sandbox. I can do whatever I want. “

ForNixeritis one“of the best detective games ever made ”and justifies his statement with the following example:

I managed to catch a murderer as he was leaving the crime scene and I solved the case in about two minutes. Another case took me three days to solve because I had misplaced a piece of evidence.

For us, the open world was the biggest star of the game in the early access test. You can read above what exactly makes it so exciting and where there were still shortcomings at release.

Are you a fan of real detective games that rely on detailed investigative work? Have you already played Shadows of Doubt? Let us know what you think in the comments.