A whole racing game series with dozens of games will soon disappear from all shops forever


Motorsport Games announces: All NASCAR games and their expansions will be removed from sale at the end of the year.

The NASCAR series has passed through the hands of many different studios and publishers over the last few decades. With the latest license transfer from Motorsport Games to iRacing, the end of sales of all titles in the series is now being heralded in digital shops. Games like NASCAR Heat 5 or NASCAR 21: Ignition will only be available on the storefronts for a few more weeks.

NASCAR games only available until the end of the year

You can only purchase all games in the series until December 31, 2024 in online stores such as Steam, the PlayStation Store or the Xbox Store. This has been announced by the previous license holder Motorsport Games on Twitter/X:

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To the NASCAR games community!

As of December 31, 2024, all NASCAR game titles and their DLC content will no longer be available for purchase in all digital stores, but can still be played after that date. This also applies to the NASCAR Heat, NASCAR Rivals, and NASCAR Ignition franchises.

You can therefore purchase the games during the sales on the platforms without hesitation, because the games will still be playable after December 31. For example, you can get the latest title, NASCAR 21: Ignition, on Steam for just under 2 euros, while in the Xbox Store the game is reduced to 4 euros. After the license was acquired by iRacing, work is now underway on a new title that will be released for consoles and PC. A release of NASCAR 25 is therefore planned for fall 2025.

With NASCAR, a series of countless games is disappearing from Steam. However, with every title that leaves Valve’s platform, a number of new ones appear. Tillmann has selected 15 special games for you that you can find there since November. In addition, the big fall sale is still running until December 4. Click through Peter’s recommendations.