AC Odyssey: This is how great the open world looks in 8K with ray tracing reshade

AC Odyssey 8k gameplay

An impressive video shows what mods and high-end hardware can still bring out of the graphics of Assassin’s Creed Odyssey.

Assassin’s Creed Odyssey was already a very beautiful game at its release in 2018 – especially the landscapes of ancient Greece gave me goosebumps a time or two. But just how much potential there still is in the graphics three years later is shown in an impressive video by modder Digital Dreams.

With 8K resolution, ultra graphics settings, ray tracing reshade and the use of the best hardware, we can admire the legendary open world in a completely new light.

A huge open world in high-end graphics

The video from Digital Dreams shows nine minutes of gameplay scenes with the impressive graphics. It’s best to watch it for yourself! Remember to set the appropriate resolution when playing. By the way, the effect is particularly impressive when the sun sets over the sea at minute 1:50.

These settings require appropriate hardware, of course. The following components were used to make the insane graphics settings work:

– Mainboard: Asus Prime x470-Pro

CPU: Ryzen 9 3900x

RAM: Corsair Vengeance 32Gb


SSD: Crucial mx500 2TB

In contrast to real ray tracing, in which the path of individual rays is calculated physically correctly, the “Beyond All Limits Ractracing” used is a reshade filter that simulates a comparable effect during image post-processing.

Supporters of Digital Dreams can find the reshade on his Patreon account. In the past, the modder has already created, among others, Middle-earth: Mordor’s Shadow, Witcher 3 and Skyrim to grandiose high-end graphics.

How good Assassin’s Creed Odyssey is even without the graphics refresh and whether the open world is worth it:

What do you think of the graphics polish for Assassin’s Creed Odyssey? Would you like to experience the open world again in 8K? Let us know in the comments!