In the Odyssey crossover Woven Tales you go to the Isle of Mist. There you will find a gold cave waiting to be opened – in the guide you will learn how.
The crossover DLC Interwoven Stories brings you an encounter with Cassandra from AC Odyssey – in AC Valhalla. Eivor sets off with the Greek heroine to the Scottish Isle of Skye as part of the free quest series Destiny Encounter. There you have to collect five shards to open a gold cave – and in our guide for Assassin’s Creed Valhalla we tell you all the locations.
How to solve the shard puzzle in “Counting Sheep “
How do I get to the Isle of Mist? Here’s what you need to do to get to the Island and play the free crossover:
- Your settlement is level 4
- You have a power level of 55
- Valka is in your settlement and you have already completed her quest series
Solve “Counting Sheep “: This quest starts after you search together with Cassandra in a cave for the artefact that causes nightmares on the island. To open the door of the gold cave you now have to find five shards that are scattered all over the island. The good news is that the locations are marked on your map. Now the bad news: You still have to find the hidden places where the shards are. But don’t worry, we’ll help you!
Location 1: Hunagladair
Where exactly? Look for the large pyre in the village of Hunagladair and turn southeast. There you will see a small cave where the shard is clearly visible on an altar. Watch out, there might be a guard on the way here.
Location 2: Brother’s Cave (Inbhir Arais)
Where exactly? This location is indicated by the eastern marker on Eivor’s map. Keep heading east and you should see a rock wall with a small opening leading to a gorge. There you will find a letter that reveals that someone found the shard before you and made off with it.
With Odin’s sight you can simply follow the tracks to a hut. Clear the shelf on the outer wall to reveal a window. Shoot an arrow through it – after hitting it you should be able to open the door. Inside, a second letter awaits you, then follow Odin’s line of sight towards the northeast again.
You will soon see hanging platforms in the trees, which you climb over a thick, bent trunk. At the top is a final letter, a dead man and the shard you are looking for.

Location 3: Fairy ponds
Where exactly? This area is located in the south of the Isle of Mists. There Odin’s sight first shows you a marker behind a waterfall, but no trace of the shard. Instead, an old woman calls out to you from outside that she would like to sacrifice you to the fairies. She is also suffering from the nightmares that have befallen the island and seems to be correspondingly confused. As she explains, the shard is in her possession. You have three options here:
- Attack the old woman: Eivor can of course just knock the confused lady down and take the shard from her by force. You will then also be attacked by a couple of wolves
- Convince the old woman: With a Charisma value of 3 or higher, Eivor can explain to her that the fairies are surely trying to trick her. Then she will give you the shard willingly
- Buy the shard: You can also make a trade for 500 pieces of silver.
Which solution you choose at the fairy pond is of course up to you. But we would advise you to let the poor old woman live, she will then turn up again later.

Location 4: Dun Ardtreck
Where exactly? The village is located in the southwest of the island. Your quest marker will lead you to a letter pointing to a dilapidated ruin. It is best to jump directly from the next cliff into the sea and go on a dive. Glowing jellyfish and Odin’s sight will show you the way to the right place.
Location 5: Excavation site
Where exactly? This point is in the northwest. Stand facing the large stone gate and then climb up the rock on the right. On the wall you will find an explosive vase, which you now carry to the destination marker (a red-roofed ruin). Throw the vase against the blockade in the wall and wait a short while for the fire to burn down. Now the way is clear to the last shard.
Open the cave
When you have collected all five shards, return to the gold cave and insert them into the socket that Cassandra has revealed. The door reveals a path, which you follow to the shore of a lake. Now Eivor has to dive down again, follow light jellyfish and kill a few guards. A small light puzzle later you can collect the artefact.
If you want to know what will happen in 2022 with DLCs and the Season Pass, then take a look at our FAQ on the huge add-on (Dawn of Ragnarok)!