AC Valhalla: New event with free content brings Witcher feelings


Update 1.4.0 brings the Asgardsreid event (Oskoreia), which like The Witcher 3 is based on the saga of the Wild Hunt. We have all the info and patch notes.

What do you think of when you hear Wild Hunt? Probably The Witcher 3 first – but Assassin’s Creed Valhalla will soon be dealing with this myth as well. The big update 1.4.0 will bring the necessary support for the eerie Oskoreia event on 9 November 2021. And, of course, lots of bug fixes again.

All about the Oskoreia Event

What is it? AC Valhalla regularly offers you new free season events, this time it’s Oskoreia’s turn, called Asgardsreid in the German version. As usual, you can solve special quests, complete challenges and earn special rewards. Among other things, a challenge on horseback awaits you. There’s a short clip on Twitter as a foretaste:

Among the things you can unlock:

  • A bone skin for your raven
  • Bone cosmetics and tattoos for Eivor
  • New weapon: Hels Sense
  • 3 new skills for Eivor that allow you to parry better, perform counter rolls and hit more enemies with the stun shot

When is the event? The Oskoreia Festival starts on 11 November and runs until 2 December.

Das neue Event wird ziemlich gruselig: Geisterschiffe, Knochenhelme, Vollmondnächte.

What does this have to do with Wild Hunt? Oskoreia is the Scandinavian name for the Wild Hunt. This myth is also the basis of the Wild Hunt in Witcher 3, which is after Ciri. In the Norse version, Odin sends out his ghostly hunters and hounds to take people’s souls. In some versions they are accompanied by Valkyries and Elves, the latter are supposed to make an appearance in the next DLC. To behold the Wild Hunt is considered a threatening omen – and Eivor apparently wants to confront it just as courageously as the sorcerer Geralt.

What else is in update 1.4.0?

In England you will find four new tombs of the fallen. In these cave systems, many puzzles and secrets (i.e. exciting loot) await Eivor. To avoid traps and get to the treasures, you will have to dare to do some courageous parkour. The game starts on 9 November, you have to have unlocked your settlement for the graves to appear.

The download sizes for update 1.4.0 are as follows:

  • PC: 20.31 GB
  • Xbox Series X/S: 25 GB
  • Xbox One: 20 GB
  • PlayStation 5: 6.75 GB
  • PlayStation 4: 4.55 GB

And of course a lot of quest bugs were fixed, bugs in the Open World were fixed and small adjustments were made to the Discovery Tour. On the next page you will find the complete patch notes. By the way, you can find out how AC Valhalla will continue until the end of 2021 in the freshly updated roadmap here.

All patch notes for update 1.4.0



Four new graves of the fallen have been added to the game.

  • Four mysterious graves are waiting to be uncovered across England. Did someone say Odin Rune?
  • Unlock two new trophies/achievements when you complete one and three Tombs of the Fallen respectively.
  • Access Requirements: This content is available when you unlock the settlement in the main storyline.


In-game support has been added for the Oskoreia Festival.

  • Available from 11 November to 2 December.
  • New quests and activities, including horseback riding and a tournament against ghosts.
  • New spooky rewards.
  • Access Requirements: To participate in the Oskoreia Festival, players must reach England and complete one of the first two story arcs (Grantebridgescire or Ledecestrescire) and have a level 2 settlement.


  • Perfect Parry: Parry LB/L1/Q at the last second to deal extra damage to the attacker.
  • Master Counter Throw: Add a hidden blade strike while making a counter throw.
  • Improved Bow Stun Finisher: Initiating the Bow Stun Finisher now shoots arrows at all stunned enemies in sight


Main quests, world events and side activities


  • Interaction with AxeHead was not possible.
  • It was not possible to transport an escort in the quest “Old Friends”, the marker did not move.
  • Cavalry/Heavy Cavalry no longer fought when the player was on a horse and was further away.
  • Basim and Sigurd did not follow the player in Brewing Rebellion.
  • Quest NPC could be under the world in The Thegn of Lincoln.
  • Sincere invitation could not be started because an NPC was dead.
  • Orwig Neverdeath do not spawn in Hordafylke.
  • During the world event Edmund’s Arrow could not interact with an NPC.
  • The boss in Binding Fate could not be defeated because it spawned underground.
  • The message “New Vengeance Quest” appeared repeatedly on the screen when looting near the Vengeance corpse or interacting with items without accepting the quest.
  • It was not possible to pick up the Bow of Elan in the Longhouse.
  • The “exploration area” did not disappear when pursuing another quest.
  • Exploration Tour: Viking Age – The quest objective was not updated in “Barter for Peace”.
  • River Raids – Fish has been removed to balance the availability of rations.
  • Wrath of the Druids – Unable to interact with the letter in Flann Sinna’s tent during the quest “Courting the Kings”.



  • BattleCry did not affect alpha animals during battles
  • Missing vibration or haptic feedback on PS5 after version 1.3.2.
  • Level 2 Axe Rage did not receive the intended ability modifiers.
  • Numerous problems with NPC behaviour.
  • Weapon perks were not activated correctly or outside of intended conditions.
  • Numerous clipping problems.
  • Some 1H swords could be more expensive to upgrade than others.
  • Animals did not go into the stunned stance when emptying their defence bar with melee attacks.
  • Fish could be teleported when fishing under certain conditions.
  • Helmets could still be displayed during some cutscenes, even if this was not intended.
  • Eivor was unable to perform a forward roll when jumping from a height with M&K.
  • Players can now switch between walking and running during automatic movement.



  • Numerous problems with menu narration.
  • Numerous UI/HUD problems.
  • Continuous warning about new quests since title update 1.3.1.
  • Discovery Tour: Viking Age – The game time in Discovery Tour is displayed as 0 hours in the game menu.
  • Discovery Tour: Viking Age – The Discovery Sites and Behind the Scenes pop-up window is present during the intro movie sequence in Seaworthy.
  • The level scaling options did not show the correct values for the River Raid section in the quest log.

Graphics, animation and audio


  • Numerous graphics, texture, animation and lighting issues.
  • Numerous colour blindness mode problems.
  • Improvements to some raven textures.



  • Cases where objects or textures were not placed correctly or were floating.
  • Cases where Eivor, NPCs or the longship got stuck.

Performance and stability

  • Improved performance and stability

When will the next DLC actually be released? There is still no release date for the next paid expansion. Thanks to leaks, however, we already have a pretty accurate picture of the next Valhalla DLC – get ready for elves and dwarves.