After 8 years of development, Sony’s new big shooter crash lands on Steam


Concord is a new hero shooter and doesn’t get off to a very convincing start on Steam – it only looks marginally better on PlayStation

Sony and developer Firewalk Studios are deliberately foregoing a Battle Pass or similar monetization for Concord.Instead, players pay 40 euros and get all future content that will be released at no additional cost.

The Steam figures shortly after the release, however, suggest that this deal convinced very few players. According to aX-Postby lead character designer Jon Weisnewski, the game was in development for a whole eight years.

Concord flops on Steam

On August 23, 2024, Concord was released on Valve’s platform alongside the PlayStation release. According toSteamDBjust 697 playersat the peak of the releasewere able to play the new hero shooter.

In the past three days, player numbers have continued to decline. Of the total of 387 user reviews onSteam72 percent are positive

In the PlayStation Storea good 8,100 users have submitted a rating. Although this indicates significantly more players, the average rating is 2.87 out of 5 stars There are no concrete player numbers for Sony’s console

“Not worth 40 euros ”

In the Steam reviews it is often criticized that Concord, with its current content, would simply not justify the price.

Steam userRangerwrites:“It’s a mix of Overwatch, Paladins and Team Fortress 2. All three of these games are free and you’re not forced to play the most unlikeable characters ever in a game. ”

AibonitoPRhas a similar problem with Concord:“Not worth 40 euros. If this doesn’t become Free2Play, it’ll be over in a month. It’s just another hero shooter. “

The_Squarecrowalso thinks that a Free2Play model would suit Concord better, but is not averse to the game itself:

It’s not bad, but it’s not good either. And there are better, free options on the hero shooter market. It should be F2P to even have a chance. If not, it will die quickly. Hell, it’s already on life support. That’s a shame, because the gameplay is entertaining and the pastel color palette is pretty nice.

So it seems that Concord is struggling to carve out a place for itself in the shooter market with a 40 euro price tag, and doesn’t offer enough reasons not to take advantage of the many free alternatives.

Helldivers 2 has already proven this year that Steam players are generally not averse to paying 40 euros for a game from Sony. Concord will probably not be able to repeat this success.