After balancing patch – The 5 best Pokémon in Unite

‎After Balancing Patch
‎After Balancing Patch

Nintendo has turned the gameplay in Pokémon Unite around a bit. These are the strongest Pokémon in each position.

The new MOBA Pokémon Unite received its first patch on Wednesday. With many small adjustments to the Pokémon abilities, the update also shakes up the meta. We have compiled for you which monsters are now strongest in the various positions after the wave of buffs and nerfs.


Those who like to defend the team’s Goal Zones can confidently continue to choose Relaxo/Snorlax. The sleeper was already the best choice as a defender before the patch and his abilities remain exactly the same. Relaxo takes a lot of damage and gets even more bonuses from collected berries through his passives. In the previous patch, Relaxo was often played on a lane with Cramorant / Urgl. However, the bird Pokémon has now been slightly generated in the early game, so watch out for the new timing.


Alola-Vulnona / Alonan-Ninetails is still a brilliant choice for the role of attacker. The Snow Fox hasn’t been tweaked any further apart from a few bug fixes, so the Pokémon is still very strong.

While you will still encounter some users in the game who currently choose Guardevoir – another solid option, as its range and area burst deal heavy damage. However, Vulnona’s mix of slows, high mobility and ability to freeze opponents still gives you the best control over the opposing team.


Junglers can continue to play Zeraora with confidence. Gegnar also still plays very strong. Both Pokémon have experienced a slight nerf as well as buffs. Zeraroa can now use Wild Charge with a lower cooldown and causes more damage. In return, the damage value of the previously declared overpowered Unite attack Plasma Gale has been scaled down.

In Gengar, the damage of Shadow Ball has been increased and Dream Eater has been speeded up. Hex was adjusted in return. The attack now causes less damage and brings less time in which Gengar is untouchable. Because of this, the ghost could often lose out to the mysterious Pokémon.


In the support position, Cottomi/Eldegoss has received competition. Fluffball has been nerfed as both Cotton Guard and Cotton Cloud Crash now provide less healing. In return, Knuddeluff/Wigglytuff has been improved as Double Slap and Sing now have a greater effect. But low healing is better than no healing in Pokémon Unite, which is why Cottomi could still remain number one. Plus, the Pokémon is the perfect laning partner for the all-rounder with the biggest buffs: Glurak


Glurak/Charizard fans can rejoice over the patch. The fire starter has received a number of buffs that make his attacks even stronger while reducing cooldowns. Flamethrower, Fire Punch and Fire Blast have been improved. Glurak only becomes a real monster in the late-game. Therefore, you should let Cottomi babysit you on the lane in the beginning until you can finally dominate your opponents.