After various cancellations: E3 2023 will not take place


It doesn’t come as a complete surprise after the news of the last few days. Nevertheless, there is a certain tragedy in the announcement. The ESA and ReedPop announced tonight that E3 2023 will not take place after all.

After a break of several years, E3 2023 was supposed to have taken place from 11 to 16 June, both digitally and in presence. But tonight the organisers announced the sad news that the expo would not take place again this year.

The reason for this is probably because the relevant AAA publishers, who are seen as the drawcards of such events, are holding their own events. For example, as we have already reported, Ubisoft is holding a new edition of Ubisoft Forward. Microsoft, Nintendo and PlayStation are also planning their own showcases.

The comments on Twitter, for one, show great compassion. Many fans from the gaming community had been looking forward to this event and are now sad that the expo will not take place again. Other companies such as Opera and Walmart Canada Gaming are also showing their sympathy over the cancelled event.

Who might not be particularly sad about the E3 cancellation, however, is industry insider Geoff Keighley. He (or someone from his team) is in fact using the cancellation tweet to draw attention to Summer Game Fest 2023. The kickoff livestream is scheduled for 9pm on 8 June. Keighley already did the same thing last year and used the cancelled E3 to announce his event.