Age of Empires 4 – Gameplay Trailer Shows the Naval Battles

‎Age of Empires 4 trailer
‎Age of Empires 4 trailer

In Age of Empires 4 you not only control troops over land, but also fight for supremacy on the water. A new gameplay trailer shows how the fleets and sea battles look. However, the video is quite short and only gives a very superficial insight.

After the first gameplay reveal, there was a lot of criticism of the graphics – strategy expert Maurice has summarised for you here how the developers want to improve the visuals. Critical comments are also being made about the current navigator trailer, which criticise, for example, the fact that the ships apparently do not move when shooting.

Age of Empires 4 will be released on 28 October 2021 and will also be available in the Game Pass for PC right at the time of release.