Age of Empires 4: Roadmap finally shows what’s next




A clear update structure should communicate more clearly to AoE 4 players what improvements are planned and when they are coming.

Age of Empires 4 relies on a seasonal model for its ranked multiplayer, which is supposed to offer players new content and rewards on a regular basis as they successfully fight their way up the ranks. After a relatively successful launch, however, the multiplayer has recently lost many players who are bothered by the fact that community feedback is only slowly implemented and balance problems have persisted for months.

The latest announcement can certainly be seen as a reaction to this development: The developers present a roadmap for the next four months and want to inform the community more precisely about their update strategy in the future. We summarise the most important information for you.

What’s next

In a clear graphic, the developers have summarised the most important upcoming changes that will be tackled in the coming months. It is pointed out that some of the update plans are still in an early development phase, so some things may still change. However, they want to inform the players about major changes.

First of all, future updates will be subjected to a test phase and can then still be adapted according to corresponding community feedback. In their (Blogpost), the developers also go into more detail about the concrete planned changes:

Monthly updates

Age of Empires 4 will now receive monthly updates, which will focus less on new content and more on balance changes and the removal of bugs. In addition, the so-called Season Updates are planned on a quarterly basis:

Season Updates

With these patches, the new ranking season in multiplayer will begin. During each season, players can receive exclusive content if they complete it with a certain rank. Read more about how the Ranked Mode works here:

Age of Empires 4 Rankings: How the first season works

The Ranked Seasons, however, are meant to bring content and improvements for all players. The developers explain in more detail what exactly is planned for the first two Seasons.

Season 1 focuses on useful additional features as well as community content and brings the following improvements:

  • Content Editor and Mods: The editor is not yet presented in detail, but it will probably allow you to create your own scenarios and especially maps. Originally, it was said that it would even allow you to create your own game modes
  • The 1v1 Ranked Mode: This mode was tested in January and was adapted a little. It allows you to climb up the ranks and get rewards at the end of the season
  • Hotkey Improvements: You will be able to assign new hotkeys in the settings menu. You will also be able to assign more keys including mouse keys as hotkeys, for example mouse 3, 4 and 5.
  • Quality-of-Life Improvements: Among other things, there will be a global build queue and a patrol command for units. You will also be able to view the whole map after a match
  • Balance Changes: The Abbasid Dynasty, China and the Holy Roman Empire are to be adjusted.

Season 2 brings more changes about three months later, which are still in an earlier stage of development and therefore not yet described in as much detail as the first Season:

  • Ranked Mode: Adjustments and improvements for the Ranked Mode
  • Completely customisable keyboard controls: This is to continue what Season 1 started with: you will be able to completely customise the keyboard layout to your liking.
  • Voting on Maps: Ranked matches will begin in Season 1 with a set selection of maps. In Season 2, the players will have more of a say in this via voting. More details are not yet planned.
  • Colour selection: Many players would like to be able to freely select a colour. This feature is supposed to come in the second season


What do you think of the planned changes? Is your desired feature included, or are you missing an improvement that isn’t listed here? Let us know in the comments