Age of Empires 4: The new patch is small but tackles the biggest issues




The latest patch for Age of Empires 4 brings balance changes based on player feedback. The community is therefore pleased.

The first patch for Age of Empires 4 in the new year is small, but still has a lot to offer. In addition to some bug fixes and adjustments to the matchmaking in multiplayer, the balance changes in particular are met with enthusiasm by the players. We have summarised the highlights of the patch for you here.


The most important new features

Less wood for Mongols: The Mongols recently turned out to be a very strong civilisation, especially in the early days, as they are not only extremely mobile, but also already have the maximum population limit at the beginning and do not have to build houses.

To prevent them from overrunning their opponents without effort, the patch now reduces the amount of wood available for the Mongols at the beginning. In addition, the wood costs for the outpost are increased. Hopefully, this means goodbye Towerrush! In addition, the reduction in wood makes fishing somewhat more difficult, which means that the Mongols no longer dominate so strongly on water maps.

By the way, you can find an overview of all factions including their strengths and weaknesses here:

Age of Empires 4 Races: Strengths and Weaknesses of the Factions in Detail

Lower damage for Chinese fire lancers: The very strong Chinese fire lancers also have to lose some firepower. According to the developers, this unit is designed for raids and surprise attacks. However, its range damage makes it so powerful and useful that it also kills most units quickly in regular combat. Therefore, the costs for the unit have now been increased on the one hand and the area damage halved on the other. In addition, further adjustments have been made to the unit, which can be found in the detailed patch notes on page two.

Scouts become slower
: Especially in the Feudal Age, the scouts with their high speed and quite a lot of health points plague the map and were harder to stop than PS5 prospects at the next drop. With the new patch, at least the scouts now move slower when carrying a dead animal. This does not apply to PS5 buyers.

Further generated the fire rate of mounted archers, as well as the speed of monk warriors when carrying a relic.

There are also buffs: On the other hand, the armour of horsemen against ranged weapons has been improved. Horsemen are supposed to counter archers and other ranged units after all, but until now they could hardly reach them alive when they came under fire.


More changes

To help you find multiplayer matches faster, the maximum skill level differences have been expanded in the player search. This way, you should spend less time searching for players but still find opponents who are around your skill level.

The developers also point out that neither replays nor battle saves from older versions can be used after patching.

By the way, further balance improvements have also been announced for the next patch, here the Abbasids are to be strengthened and siege weapons are to be adapted. In addition, it will no longer be possible to increase the attack speed of some units by cancelling the animation.


All Patch Notes

(Click here for all the latest changes in the detailed patch notes.)