Age of Empires 4 will soon receive a new free update with three maps and more


A huge update for Age of Empires 4 awaits you in a few days. If you don’t want to venture into the upcoming DLC The Sultans Ascend just yet, you can let off steam with lots of new content – for free!

Real-time strategy fans, watch out! In addition to the new paid expansion The Sultans Ascend, Relic Entertainment is also releasing a major patch for the Age of Empires 4: Anniversary Editionon November 14 The best thing about it – there’s lots of free content! 

You can get another insight into the addon The Sultans Ascend in our video:

The highlights of the upcoming update for Age of Empires 4

The patch changes also mark the start of the sixth season. This begins on November 15, 2023 at 18:00 and ends on March 14, 2024 at 06:59. The following highlights, among others, await you in the update:

  • Map pool expansion: The biggest new feature of the update is probably three new maps in addition to other map fixes:
    • Canal: As the name suggests, there is a large canal on this map. There is a base on each side here;
    • Gorge: In the middle of the map is a deep gorge between two mountains. You can build a total of three bases here.
    • Rocky River: This map takes place in a deep river valley and offers all three bases plenty of attack surface.

In addition, you can get a taste of four other new maps for a limited time, which you can otherwise only get exclusively with the purchase of the new expansion The Sultans Ascend. You can find out what else you get with the DLC here

  • New reward system: The rewards are now distributed according to the highest rank. For example, if you reach the Diamond rank during the season but drop back to Bronze towards the end of the season, you will still receive the rewards for Diamond. So you won’t “lose” anything, so to speak. As usual, you can then collect your achievements via your in-game profile.
  • Fireside Festivities: The upcoming patch also heralds the start of a seasonal event. Here you can unlock special autumnal rewards through challenges. The event runs from November 14 at 18:00 until December 4 at 07:59.
  • Mega Walls: Walls can now be better placed and used. One improvement, for example, would be the direct connection to your ally’s walls.

    In addition, there are many other general bug fixes and small changes to improve gameplay and balance. You can find these in detail on the second page.

    Are you looking forward to the upcoming update or are the free improvements less appealing to you? What do you want from Age of Empires 4 in the future and what expectations do you have of the add-on The Sultans Ascend? Which part of Age of Empire have you liked best so far? Let us know your opinion in the comments, we’re curious!