Age of Empires: acclaimed strategy series to be released for console in 2023

Age of Empires coming to XBOX!

Age of Empires 4 and Age 2: Definitive Edition are coming to Xbox. Here”s everything you need to know about the announcement.

Big news for console gamers with a penchant for strategy: Age of Empires is coming to console. Unsurprisingly, Microsoft”s Age of Empires 4 and Age of Empires 2: Definitive Edition are coming exclusively to Xbox. The info was announced in the livestream celebrating the 25th anniversary of the series, along with a nifty trailer.

In addition, a separate Age of Empires for mobile devices is in development. Even if the information here is still scarce, we at least know that info is to follow soon. And you can already see a teaser for it.

Age of Empires comes out for Xbox

The most important frame info

When will the console versions be released? The most important thing right at the beginning: Both games, i.e. Age of Empires 4 and Age of Empires 2: Definitive Edition, will be released in 2023. Age 2 will be released on 31 January 2023, while Microsoft only communicated about Age 4 later in the year 2023.

For which Xbox will the games be released? Microsoft specifically only showed the Xbox Series X/S in the trailer. Admittedly, the older Xbox One consoles were not explicitly excluded. But we assume from the communication that only the newer consoles will be used.

In which shops will the games be released? Age of Empires 4 and Age 2: Definitive Edition will be released in the Microsoft Store and will also be playable with the Xbox Game Pass subscription.

What can players expect?

Full package: Age of Empires 2: Definitive Edition is set to be released in the most up-to-date version on Xbox. So console players can expect the numerous updates the remaster has received over time. The three DLCs are also expected to become available on Xbox.

Controls for console: Traditionally based on the PC, Age of Empires is to be given special features for the Xbox, especially regarding the controls. According to Microsoft, Age of Empires 4 and the Definitive Edition of Age of Empires 2 should feel great with controllers. A special tutorial will explain the controller controls. In addition, the developers say it is important that keyboard-mouse support is also included.

Other important functions: Regarding the multiplayer mode, crossplay between Xbox and PC should be possible without problems, but optional. Microsoft also promised cloud gaming.

More information on the console releases will follow in the future.

Age of Mythology Retold: The remake of the strategy classic is finally coming Fans have waited a long time for it, but now it is finally official: Age of Mythology will be re-released and will be given its very own Definitive Edition.

By Zeus! So now it is! Age of Mythology is being completely revamped just like Age of Empires before it. Under the name Age of Mythology Retold, Microsoft will soon release a remake of the popular strategy classic. For a long time, fans have been waiting very patiently for exactly this announcement, and now it is finally official.

The remake was announced as part of the celebrations surrounding Age of Empires” 25th anniversary. And yes, you”re probably wondering what it looks like. Unfortunately, there was no gameplay to see yet, but an impressive announcement trailer:

How Age of Mythology will be revamped

Many details are not yet known about Age of Mythology Retold. But we expect a similar revision as with the Definitive Editions of Age of Empires. So you can expect a much nicer look and in addition there will certainly be some new, modern features that will make the RTS easier to handle. Whether new factions or campaigns are also planned was kept completely secret.

Release: When is it coming out?

A release date has not yet been revealed, the game seems to still be deep in development. But at least it can be expected that it will land directly in the Game Pass at release time.

What makes Age of Mythology special

While Age of Empires puts a lot of emphasis on historical accuracy, Age of Mythology goes pretty wild. Although it also takes place in a largely historical scenario, more precisely in antiquity, it is a version interspersed with mythological activity. In addition to spearmen, archers and catapults, you can also use mythical creatures such as minotaurs or conjure up magical effects with the help of the gods.

(This is what Age of Mythology looked like so far, the remake will certainly spruce up the graphics considerably.)
(This is what Age of Mythology looked like so far, the remake will certainly spruce up the graphics considerably.)

Age of Mythology basically uses the same gameplay as Age of Empires, but adapts the formula in some places. For example, you can only build city centres at predetermined locations and instead of mining stones, each nation must generate the favour of the gods in its own unique way. Overall, there are fewer factions. In the basic game there were three, but since the remake will most likely be released with the expansions, there should be five directly available here.

Each nation can choose from one of three gods at the beginning of the game:

  • Greeks choose from Zeus, Hades or Poseidon
  • Egyptians choose from Ra, Isis or Set
  • Vikings choose from Thor, Odin or Loki
  • Atlanteans choose from Kronos, Oranos or Gaia
  • Chinese choose from Fu Xi, Nü Wa or Shennong

You unlock even more gods and their unique benefits as you progress through the four ages. Unlike Age of Empires, Age of Mythology”s campaign tells a cohesive story. In total, there is one major campaign, one minor campaign and two slightly shorter campaigns released with the expansions.

What about Age of Empires Mobile?

Here”s the short and sweet of it: we don”t know much yet about the release of a dedicated Age of Empires for mobile devices. But you can watch a short teaser:

Now it”s your turn! Drop us a line in the comments to let us know if you”ve been longing for this announcement for years, or if Age of Mythology leaves you rather cold!

Age of Empires is being developed specifically for mobile and is said to offer a unique style that is visually stunning. In the video you get a taste, but it looks like a pure promo teaser without real game graphics.

What do you think of the new announcements? Are you looking forward to real-time strategy on Xbox or mobile? Or would you rather jump into the remake of Age of Mythology? Let us know what you think in the comments!