The world of Age of Empires IV is about to see an exciting expansion that will delight both veterans and newcomers. The upcoming Knights of Cross and Rose DLC brings fresh challenges and deeper strategic possibilities. Those who crave epic sieges, tactical maneuvers, and historical confrontations can look forward to a particularly detailed gaming experience.
New factions, new strategies
With “Knights of Cross and Rose”, two new civilizations enter the battlefield: the disciplined Knights Templar and the well-thought-out House of Lancaster.Both factions not only offer unique combat units, but also fresh game mechanics that expand the strategic potential of the game. The Knights Templar represent unwavering fighting spirit and religious motivation, while the House of Lancaster scores with diplomatic skills and sophisticated military tactics.
In addition, the DLC adds ten new mapsranging from rugged canyons to wide plains. These not only offer visual variety, but also new tactical challenges. Whether it’s narrow passes that require defensive strategies or open spaces for large-scale attacks, each environment demands a different approach.
Relive historical battles
One of the most exciting new additions is the “Historical Battles” game mode.Players can relive legendary conflicts here and put their tactical skills to the test under realistic conditions. Each scenario is based on actual events and challenges players to experience history from a strategic perspective.
In addition to the single-player experience, the DLC also brings a breath of fresh air to multiplayer. New scenarios, different faction styles, and dynamic maps open up numerous possibilities for intense matches. “Knights of Cross and Rose” thus promises not only more content, but also deeper, long-term motivation for everyone who plunges into the world of Age of Empires IV. In , the is scheduled to be released in spring 2025 and Age of Empires 4 Knights of Cross and Rose to be released.