Total War: Warhammer 3 introduces six new factions. We show you the abilities, units and special features of each of them.
There have never been so many factions at the release of a new Warhammer part. Total War: Warhammer 3 starts with six playable races and also adds an Ogre DLC, which is free for pre-orderers. All in all, there are actually seven new races that will fight each other in the fantasy world.
What sets Warhammer apart most from the other games in the series are the fundamentally different nations or races. Whether the hosts of the plague god Nurgle oppose the dragon worshippers of Cathay is simply something else than when Rome meets Carthage.
Warhammer 3 has not yet been released, but a lot is already known about the factions. We have collected all information about the units and campaign mechanics of the factions.
The factions at a glance:
Table of Contents
- Grand Cathay
- Khorne
- Tzeentch
- Nurgle
- Slaanesh
- Kislev
Kislev on the campaign map
The very culture of Kislev plays an important role for the faction on the map. This is because the people of Kislev worship their own gods and faith serves as a kind of currency. Faith allows you to unlock special buildings. However, if faith drops due to damning actions or decisions, the danger of a chaos invasion increases. Kislev can also perform rituals that honour their gods and have special effects:
- Salyak: Growth and reinforcement rate are increased faction-wide.
- Dazh: Income from all buildings and through trade is increased.
- Ursun: All enemy units in Kislevs territory get wear and tear and armies get a special spell.
- Tor: All armies do more damage and they get a special ability, causing them to do even more damage in a certain area.
With the help of faith (or gold) we can also collect supporters for our faction. Since Kislev is divided, two groups are vying for supremacy. The more support, the better the relations with the sub-factions. Moreover, at some point one faction can force the other to confederate.
Kislev also recruits two special units: Atamans and Ice Mages. Atamans are mainly used as governors and improve income, control or growth, but can also lead armies. Ice mages are typical heroes, but need to be trained and specialised for several turns.

Kislev on the battlefield:
Kislev has an incredibly versatile army line-up, fielding both strong hybrid infantry and, most importantly, extremely competent cavalry. This is all complemented by very powerful ice magic, which can also be used to individually improve units. A disadvantage could be that Kislev does not lead any flying units into the field and also lacks artillery.
Legendary commanders
Tzarin Katarin: The most powerful ice sorceress in the world presides over one of the two great Kislev factions and also knows how to hold her own on the battlefield. She usually glides across the battlefield on a chunk of ice, but can also ride a horse or polar bear. She has ice spells, which she may cast cheaper and faster, but can also deal out in close combat with her sword Frost Fang.
Supreme Patriarch Kostaltyn: The Patriarch is Katarin’s fiercest rival and, as a high-ranking priest, the head of the Grand Orthodxy. Kostaltyn can also ride into battle on horseback or bear. He is not a particularly capable warrior, but is strengthened rather than weakened by injuries and, as an inspiring personality, can call additional, loyal soldiers into battle. Actually, Kostaltyn rejects magic as heretical, but can still recruit ice witches and ice maidens.
- Boyar: These noble warriors are the best foot soldiers of Kislev and thus meant for close combat. However, they can also ride into battle on horseback or polar bear.
- Ice Witch: These magic casters come in two varieties. Lore of Ice holds spells that weaken enemies with frost or strengthen allies’ weapons. Lore of Tempest conjures up deadly blizzards or storms that destroy entire troops.
- Ice Maiden: Like the Ice Witch, the Ice Maiden has frosty sorcery and knows the same variants.
- Patriarch: These priests do not cast magic, but can preach so fervently that units in the vicinity are buffed. Since they may ride horses or polar bears, they are quite mobile.
- Corsairs: The standard unit consists of strong but undisciplined hunters who have a bow, axe or spear.
- Streltsi: These soldiers are also a hybrid of close and long range combat, whose handgun can also be used as a two-handed axe.
- Ice Guard: Elite soldiers who have been equipped with ice weapons as guards of ice witches. They fight with bows, two swords or glefs.
- Equipped Corsairs: Better trained and better equipped than normal Corsairs, they are even better suited for close combat. They use pistols, axes and shields or two-handed maces
- Tzar Guard: The most powerful melee fighters in the army of Kislev, they use swords and shields or two-handed maces.
- Cossovite Dervishes: Light cavalry of hunters that can be positioned as vanguards and are suitable for quick attacks and retreats.
- Winged Lancers: Medium knights with ornamental wings that strike fear into the hearts of the enemy when charging.
- Gryphon Legion: While not actually riding gryphons, they also wear ornamental wings and are heavy shock cavalry to rival Breton Knights.
- War Bear Riders: Knights who ride polar bears. What is there to elaborate on? Are still very quick-witted even after the onslaught.
- Mounted Archers: Like the Dervishes, light horsemen but excellent skirmishers thanks to their bows.
- Light war sledges: Chariots, but with runners instead of wheels and bears instead of horses. The sledges are equipped with long-distance fighters
- Heavy War Sledges: Also sledges pulled by bears, but fully armoured and therefore more durable.
- Snow Leopards: Fast beasts that are also effective in a large pack against much larger monsters.
- Elemental Bear: One of the most powerful and largest units of Kislev. A massive bear made of earth, ice and snow, it can withstand quite a bit of damage and can single-handedly tear down gates.
- Little Grom: A single but extremely penetrating cannon with a long range, which is also drawn by two bears and thus has considerable protection against close combatants.
Grand Cathay
Grand Cathay on the campaign map
Based on earthly China, Grand Cathay is all about balance and harmony. Every decision, affects the balance in the empire and makes the pendulum swing one way or the other. Only when the pendulum is in the middle does the whole empire receive helpful bonuses without disadvantages.
With the help of a magical compass, Grand Cathay can also direct the winds of magic and guide them into the areas of the empire where they are most needed at the moment. In return, the opposite side is weakened. Four places can be influenced in this way:
- The Great Bastion: The protective wall gets additional supplies and units are recruited more cheaply. A hail of meteors can be summoned in the battle for the bastion
- Celestial Lake: Growth in all factions belonging to Grand Cathay is increased. In addition, the winds of magic blow stronger in Cathay and income is increased
- Warpstone Desert: Corruption throughout Cathay is lowered, and winds of magic blow less. Enemy armies only get lowered leadership bonuses
- Dragon Emperor’s Wrath: Control in all regions of Grand Cathay is increased. When fully charged, all Chaos armies receive heavy attrition while besieging the Grand Bastion
There are two important structures to guard with Grand Cathay. First, there is Ivory Road, a road through the entire country. The road can be used to send caravans on trade missions. Along the way, dilemmas can arise where decisions are due. If the caravan reaches its destination, our faction gets gold.
The other structure is the Great Bastion, which protects Cathay in the north from chaos. The wall has three gates that are regularly attacked. If the wall is breached, this will result in heavy mali. On the other hand, the bastion can be improved via its own techtree.

Grand Cathay on the battlefield:
Like its massive wall, Cathay’s army is rather stationary, but extremely resilient. The army can inflict great damage at a distance, with ranged fighters and siege engines. At the same time, they rely on imposing constructs, including flying ships. The most impressive are certainly the dragons, although these are legendary commanders. All units are assigned to either Ying (ranged) or Yang (melee) and buff each other if they are close together.
Legendary Commanders
Miao Ying: Cathay is actually ruled by a single, god-like dragon. However, he is represented by his children, who are also very powerful dragons. They can also appear in human form. This is also the case with Miao Ying, who guards the north of the country. In her human form, Miao Ying can cast various spells, and as a dragon she can naturally fly and crush infantrymen. Miao Ying’s presence additionally passively strengthens all other wizards in the army.
Zhao Ming: Like his sister, Zhao Ming is a dragon in human form and rules Cathay’s west. He is also considered one of the most skilled alchemists in the land, though his mind is rumoured to have suffered somewhat. As a human, Zhao Ming can also cast spells, and as a dragon, Zhao Ming may also give his own units a defensive bonus.
- Dragon-Blooded Shugengan Lord: Humans capable of magic through dragon blood, allowing them to summon shields of jade, breathe fire or deflect projectiles. They may ride horses or winged jade longmas
- Lord Magistrate: The mundane commanders of Cathay fight with a sword, but are not necessarily the most powerful warriors. Their true value comes from their ability to buff units through orders. Magistrates can ride horses or fly in lanterns.
- Alchemist: These heroes resort to magic from tinctures, which allows them to cast metal magic. In this way, they cast magic effects on themselves or improve nearby units.
- Astromancer: The standard Cathay wizards cast magic of various schools and travel on horses or a Wu Xing war compass.
- Farmer’s Longspears: Cathay is a vast country with numerous inhabitants. These longspears are numerous but not particularly well trained.
- Farmers’ Archers: Peasants can fight not only with spears but also with bows.
- Iron Hail Gunners: Equipped with piercing fire rifles, these light gunners can inflict a lot of damage at relatively short range.
- Crane Gunners: A portable cannon operated by two people. A large shield deflects attacks from a distance. The range is enormous and the bullet can penetrate armour. A sniper, as it were.
- Jade Warrior: The line infantry are there to hold the line at the front. They fight with either sword and shield, or halberd, with which they can stop even large monsters.
- Jade Warrior Crossbowmen: Slightly slower than the simple archers, but much more effective in all other areas and an indispensable part of any Cathay army.
- Celestial Dragon Guard: The absolute warrior elite is superbly equipped and can defend itself with halberds against onrushing enemies of all kinds.
- Hymlian Dragon Crossbowmen: The most accurate and, most importantly, best protected crossbowmen in the Cathay unit squad.
- Farmer Riders: Not particularly tough, but fast riders that can be set up as vanguards.
- Jadelancers: Well-trained jade warriors on equipped horses. The classic medium heavy cavalry.
- Great Longmare Riders: The best cavalrymen who are well equipped and, above all, can fly.
- Terracotta Sentinel: More machine than monster, but no less terrifying. Huge statues that come to life through magic and are difficult to slay.
- Sky Lantern: A hot air balloon that visually resembles a lantern with wings. Not exactly mobile, but gives gunners a clear shooting path.
- Sky-Junk: Another kind of hot air balloon, but more reminiscent of a flying ship. The crew shoots fiery missiles and the ship can also drop bombs. For a flying unit, however, rather slow and useless without ammunition.
- Big Cannon: The name says it all. The cannon is reminiscent of a dragon’s head that shoots flaming projectiles. Quite mobile thanks to a team of oxen
- Wu Xing War Compass: A curious vehicle on which mages gain access to unique spells with long range.
- Fire Rain Missile: The most powerful artillery in the Army of Cathay fires hails of fiery missiles. Good against infantry and large opponents.
Khorne on the campaign map
The demons and warriors under Khorne’s banner crave skulls and blood with which to pay homage to their god.Skulls: Skulls are collected from battlefields and can be added to the Skull Throne. This rewards Khorne with buffs like better loot after a battle or more movement points for the army. However, skulls are also needed should Khorne’s followers occupy a settlement instead of burning it down.
Blood: If a settlement is conquered, the action “Blood for the Blood God” can be performed. This creates a new allied army in the surrounding area. This blood army can even move directly and thus become active directly. Over time, however, such armies suffer wear and tear.
Incidentally, the Khorne faction receives bonuses on recruitment, supply or growth the more armies it maintains. However, if no war is waged, these advantages turn into the opposite.
Manifestations and Cults
All Chaos factions have individual Unholy Manifestations depending on Chaos Corruption and Cult Buildings that arise in foreign cities. Which ones differ from god to god. Here are the ones for Khorne:
- Eternal War: An army appears and attacks another army of Khorne, which is rewarded with skulls and experience.
- Call of Battle: An army gets 50 percent more movement range.
- Slaughter Incarnate: Twice as many skulls are earned after a battle.
- Khorne’s Glare: An allied army cannot move for a few turns. After that, a settlement is automatically destroyed and it rains skulls
- Hideout: Generates skulls every turn.
- Fighting Pit: Grants additional skulls after each battle in the province.
- Lodge: Generates many skulls per turn if a commander of any faction is present.
- Arena: The cult in the city is destroyed, but in exchange the army of Khorne’s faction leader is immediately teleported there.
Khorne’s techtree improves the striking ability of troops and consists of several columns of eight technologies each. Khorne on the battlefield:
Khorne’s armies are bloodthirsty hordes who prefer to run into the thick of the fray. No matter if you are a lowly demon or a chaos warrior, those who serve Khrone do not stay in the back ranks. That is why Khorne has almost no ranged fighters. However, his units are quick on their feet, deal brutal damage and are very resistant to magic. But be careful, many units get into berserker rage and are then hardly controllable.
- Exalted Bloodthirster: These massive flying monsters are some of the most terrifying enemies on the battlefield. They are brutal melee fighters, huge in size and can move unimpeded.
- Herald of Khorne: Lower demons like Bloodletters can also be dangerous. These little devils are just as obsessed with killing as all demons under Khorne and their rage can even jump to nearby units. A Herald does not have to walk, however, but can also ride a Juggernaut or mount a Blood Throne. A kind of mechanical chariot.
- Cultist of Khorne: The human acolytes spread Khorne’s message throughout the mortal realm. Which is synonymous with death, battle and destruction. They are powerful melee fighters who can ride on horses of chaos
- Bloodreaper: Like the Heralds, Bloodreapers are more powerful variants of the Bloodletters. In other words, they are small but powerful devils. Accordingly, a Juggernaut or a Blood Throne are also available to them as mounts or vehicles respectively.
- Chaos Warriors of Khorne: Formerly human, these warriors are now imbued with the power of the god of battle. They wear heavy armour and fight with axes or halberds
- Bloodletter: Bloodthirsty devils who are capable and above all fast fighters despite their small size. Bloodletters become stronger the more enemies they defeat.
- Exalted Bloodletter: The version of the normal Bloodletter that is more powerful in all areas.
- Gorebeast Chariot of Khorne: These reinforced and bladed chariots are drawn into battle by brawny beasts.
- Bloodcrusher of Khorne: Some of the most powerful Bloodletters mount Juggenauts, which are a type of mechanical rhinoceros. Together they act as Khorne’s shock cavalry
- Skullcrusher of Khorne: Not only Bloodletters may ride Juggernauts. Some chaos warriors also become demonic knights in this way.
- Chaos Warhounds: Mutated by the power of chaos into grotesque monsters that can run fast and easily wear down units with little armour.
- Chaos Furies of Khorne: These very fast, flying creatures are pure chaos and are best suited for harassing enemies.
- Flesh Hounds: A perverted mix of wolf and shark that can run fast and bite hard. Bloodhounds also have a very high resistance to magic.
- Spawn of Khorne: Chaos warriors whose bodies kept mutating until they became mindless monsters. These monsters run into enemies and then go completely out of control.
- Minotaurs of Khorne: Upright bulls that lust for flesh and attack with huge axes or other two-handed weapons. Withstand a lot, cannot be put to flight and pierce plate armour like parchment
- Soul Grinder of Khorne: As if demons or hell machines weren’t enough, there are additional monsters like the Soul Grinder. A demon with mechanical crab legs that make the brutish giant faster than it should be
- Bloodthirster: The most powerful demons of Khorne’s retinue are huge beasts with wings that seem no match for anything in close combat. Except even more powerful versions of themselves.
- Blood Shrine of Khorne: Actually not a gun but a mechanical war device that races across the battlefield and overruns enemies.
- Skullcannon: The Skullcannon also moves independently across the battlefield and can actually command respect in close combat. But the ammunition for the projectile has to come from somewhere.
Tzeentch on the campaign map
As the Chaos God of magic and forbidden knowledge, Tzeentch is mainly after just such knowledge. In the game, this means that the chaotic hosts go in search of spell books. So-called grimoires can be obtained after winning battles, but also by conquering or razing settlements and events.
The spellbooks then allow Tzeentch to intervene significantly in the rules of the world. Using unique actions, Tzeentch can manipulate the course of events to create powerful effects. He can push a settlement to another faction, open gates to cities, force rebellions, see hidden places, force wars or even stop an entire faction. So Tzeentch is a scheming monster.
For those who rely so much on magic, the winds of magic are also interesting. Tzeentch can therefore redirect them according to his will and thus even buff buildings.
Manifestations and Cults
All Chaos factions have individual Unholy Manifestations depending on Chaos Corruption and Cult Buildings that arise in foreign cities. Which ones differ from god to god. Here are the ones for Tzeentch:
- Scriveners of Insanity: An army of Tzeentch in enemy territory cannot move for several turns, but steadily generates spellbooks.
- Mutagenic Energies: An enemy army suffers wear and tear for one turn.
- Magic Flare: The range and barrier value of all units in a Tzeentch army are increased.
- Night of Madness: A Tzeentch army steadily creates corruption in enemy territory and lowers control.
- Sanctuary: Creates spellbooks every turn.
- Repository: Generates even more spellbooks, but requires many winds of magic.
- Sanctum: Generates a good amount of income, but needs many winds of magic.
- Campus: The cult in the city is destroyed but all the winds of magic blow much stronger here and in nearby regions.
Many of Tzeentch’s technologies make new spells available to its commanders. The tree is arranged like a spider’s web. Tzeentch on the battlefield:
The Chaos God of Magic naturally relies especially on magic and ranged combat. Therefore, almost all units of Tzeentch can use some form of magic or improve the charge rate of the Winds of Magic. Tzeentch’s servants are not particularly tough per se, but they all enter the battlefield with a magical barrier. The barrier works like a second life bar that regenerates automatically outside of battle.
Legendary Commanders
Kairos Fateweaver: As the supreme representative of Tzeentch, Kairos is also incredibly intelligent, very, very cunning, magically highly gifted and completely insane. Although Kairos cannot really concentrate on the present, as a commander you should not underestimate this monster. The two-headed demon with bird wings can unsurprisingly fly and hurl spells at his enemies from the air. However, since it is also very large, it can also effectively knock reckless troops to pieces in close combat. Especially if they have been paralysed by his gaze. In addition to the typical Tzeentch magic, Kairos can also use fragments from other magical schools.
- Exalted Lord of Change: Like Kairos, these demons are upright birds with great magical potential that can also fly and should not be underestimated in close combat.
- Herald of Tzeentch: The lesser Horrors are actually the disposable soldiers of Tzeentch’s retinue, but even such demons can rise to great power. The most powerful are heralds, who can also cast spells. They occasionally use flying discs or chariots to get around.
- Cultist of Tzeentch: Like the other Chaos gods, Tzeentch has human servants. Such occultists are gifted mages who may access the School of Fire and even summon demons. Some of these humans can ride chaos horses.
- Iridescent Horror: Like the Heralds, slightly more powerful horror demons that use magic, breathe fire in ranged combat and stab in close combat.
- Blue Horror of the Tzeentch: The simplest demons of the Tzeentch are blue tormentors that first breathe fire and then run into melee with their bare hands.
- Pink Horrors of the Tzeentch: The stronger version of the Horrors turn pink and attack with knives in close combat.
- Exalted Pink Horrors of the Tzeentch: The most experienced and powerful Horrors that can be especially devastating in ranged combat.
- Chaosknights of Tzeentch: Chaos warriors exist for all Chaos gods, in Tzeentch they are almost invariably the armoured warriors sitting on Chaos horses.
- Doom Knights of the Tzeentch: As I said, almost all Chaos warriors ride horses. There are also these powerful fighters who instead fly across the battlefield on a flying disc
- Burning Chariot of the Tzeentch: These disc-shaped chariots jet through the air pulled by demons and supply Exalted Flamers with energy that rain down chaotic fire. Also suitable as artillery.
- Chaos Furies of Tzeentch: Fast, flying demons that also exist with the other Chaos Gods.
- Screamer: Also fast, also not very tough and also capable of flying. However, Screamers can do much more damage in close combat than Furies. They look like flying rays.
- Spawn of Tzeentch: As with the other Chaos Gods, mortals can become so extremely corrupted that they turn into slavering monsters. Some of the few pure melee fighters in Tzeentch’s ranks.
- Lord of Change: The famous bird demons of Tzeentch are intimidating figures who cast powerful magic, fly and excel in close combat.
- Flamers of Tzeentch: Toothed-mouthed creatures that move quickly and spray chaotic fire.
- Exalted Flamers of Tzeentch: The even stronger variant of the normal Flamers is one of the most powerful ranged units and can even take on artillery.
- Sould Grinder of Tzeentch: Another demon that has a place with other Chaos Gods. A mixture of monster and machine. However, the Sould Grinder of Tzeentch can also attack with magical spears in ranged combat
Nurgle on the campaign map
Grandfather Nurgle sounds almost sympathetic for a chaos god, but the god of plagues is anything but a welcome guest. Nurgle stands for sickness, death and rebirth and this is also reflected in the way his buildings are created. They are not upgraded, but grow over several rounds, die and arise anew. Meanwhile, the building generates additional units with each growth phase.
The monsters and demons of the plague god are not recruited normally, but are fished out of the unit pool, which builds up over time. The units are immediately available and do not have to be created over time, but they appear weakened and have to recover first. Late in the game, Nurgle is supposed to be able to raise armies so insanely fast.
Spreading Pestilence: But it is not only war with which Nurgle infests the mortal realm. The little father spreads terrible diseases in particular, which we stir together beforehand in his cauldron of plagues. So, as in Plague Inc. we create our own plagues, which can then be spread by cultists. These plagues can also be completely out of the players’ control and ravage the world unstoppably. Such actions cost Nurgle a currency called infections.
Manifestations and Cults
All Chaos factions have individual Unholy Manifestations depending on Chaos Corruption and Cult Buildings that arise in foreign cities. Which ones differ from god to god. Here are the ones for Nurgle:
- Pestilent Growth: A Nurgle army gets 20% more reinforcement for two turns but cannot move.
- Blessing of Nurgle: Increases the chance of a plague spreading from an army by 30 percent for three turns, but the army cannot move.
- Exponential Growth: The growth of a province increases by 200 for three turns and the recruitment cost of a Nurgle army is reduced by 20 percent.
- Nurgle’s Visitation: After three turns, each army and each settlement in which the selected army is located suffers a random plague. The army cannot move for that time.
- Shelter: Grants 25 infections per turn.
- Refuge: Grants 40 infections per turn as long as growth is above 200.
- Hospice: Grants 40 infections per turn if a commander is present.
- Colony: Infect the settlement with a random plague, but the cult is destroyed.
New symptoms for his plagues are unlocked via Nurgle’s Techtree. Nurgle on the battlefield:
The good-humoured hosts of the plague god are rather sluggish, obese and, of course, very contagious. But what they lack in speed, they make up for in plague breath and great resilience. Most units from Nurgle’s ranks are capable of poisoning enemy units with their attacks. In addition, they are almost all protected from physical damage by a swarm of flies, and some can also regenerate effectively.
Legendary Commanders
Ku’Gath Plaguefather: It sounds almost heartwarming that Ku’Gath wants to create so much life. However, he mostly thinks of vile Nurglings and highly contagious diseases. The obese demon is carried into battle on a palanquin by a bunch of Nurglings and seems to be in a really good mood most of the time. But while the plague father is having fun, he hurls Nurglings at the enemies over long distances. In addition, he can cast powerful magic. He is not a particularly skilled melee fighter, but can still withstand quite a bit.
- Herald of Nurgle: Like most units from his retinue, the Heralds of Nurgle are infested and disfigured, but good-humoured. In battle, these creatures mainly resort to death-dealing magic, but are also very resilient and strong. Heralds can also reach the battlefield on a palanquin or a Rot Fly.
- Exalted Great Unclean One: These demons resemble infested, maggot-eaten monsters with the jovial and caring disposition of Father Christmas. They are among the most powerful spellcasters on the battlefield.
- Cultist of Nurgle: Why a human would willingly welcome the plagues of the Plague God is a complex question. But it does exist. Cultists of Nurgle, covered in pus blisters, are rather useless in combat, but essential for the spread of disease.
- Plagueridden: These thoroughly infectious monsters are so contagious that allied Nurgle units are strengthened by them, while all others tend to weaken. In addition, they use sorcery and can be carried on a palanquin or fly a Red Fly.
- Nurgles: Nurgles Mini-mes are tiny, roundish demons that appear in droves and bite first into the calves and then the throats of their victims.
- Plaguebearer: These demons used to be long-term infected and rotten humans. Now they are tough, strong but extremely slow plague monsters.
- Forsaken of Nurgle: These mad infantrymen were also once human chaos warriors who now appear disfigured by plague and mutations. They are constantly in a frenzy, but are quite fast for a Nurgle unit.
- Exalted Plaguebearer: The better variant of the Plaguebearer can additionally fire armour-piercing projectiles in ranged combat.
- Pox Riders: Some Plaguebearers choose so-called Plague Toads as their hulking mounts. They are slower than most other cavalry, but can at least be placed as vanguards
- Plague Drones: As if Plaguebearers on Plague Toads weren’t enough, these Demons can also mount Red Flies and become flying cavalry.
- Chaos Furies of Nurgle: Nurgle also uses these fast flying monsters, but in this case they are additionally poisonous.
- Beast of Nurgle: This feisty, slimy demon resembles a grotesque giant slug with arms. Terrible to look at, but actually very friendly. Only they’re so adorable, in fact, that they practically cuddle their victims to death.
- Plague Toads: Giant, wart-covered toads that are relatively fast and easily crush light infantry with their bodies.
- Red Flies: These mighty fliers are bitter rather than warm-hearted for a change – which doesn’t necessarily work to the enemies’ advantage.
- Spawn of Nurgle: Typical phenomena in every Chaos army. These used to be humans, but have been so corrupted and disfigured by Nurgle that they now resemble mindless monsters
- Great Unclean One: The standard version of the giant demons, as fat as they are paternal, produce Nurglings by the dozen in their bloated bodies and rely on magic.
- Soul Grinder of Nurgle: Another chaos variation that exists like this in the rest of the gods. In Nurgle’s case, these huge but fast monsters can additionally spit poison at long range
Slaanesh on the campaign map
The complete campaign mechanics of the Dark Prince have not been revealed yet. We only know a few concepts. Slaanesh is known as the god of excess and pain who seduces and then perverts his victims. He thus lures with hedonistic promises of amusement and physical love, but in truth inflicts untold suffering on victims at some point.
Slaanesh can force other factions to submit to his faction as a vassal. In addition, gifts can be presented to enemy agents that weaken them over time. Since Slaanesh is an outstanding seducer, he also gains support for his cults much more easily.
Slaanesh on the battlefield:
On the battlefield, Slaanesh’s units are anything but seductive. Here, most of the time, it’s really just about inflicting the cruelest pain possible. The demons and cultists of the Chaos God are extremely fast and precise. So the nimble monsters go into close combat, where bloody reaping is then done with blades and scissors. The disadvantage: Slaanesh’s troops are extremely fragile and should always flank. In addition, there is a lack of strong long-range fighters and artillery.
Legendary Commanders
N’Kari: The most powerful demon in Slaanesh ranks delights in the suffering of others, which is why he can also heal himself as soon as an enemy unit near him perishes. But N’Kari also loves to do his own work. The demon is quite fast and can easily get into close combat, where it causes devastating damage. The damage is even greater if he casts a spell beforehand that lowers the defence of units.
- Exalted Keeper of Secrets: Like N’Kari, all Keeper of Secrets are towering demons that drive quickly under enemies with their crescent arms, dealing high damage and using additional debilitating or damaging magic.
- Herald of Slaanesh: The Heralds are the most powerful version of the Daemonettes, i.e. the foot soldiers of the Dark Prince. Heralds support their subordinates with strengthening abilities and use magic. Heralds can be mounted on chaos horses or chariots.
- Alluress: The Alluress are also ascended Daemonettes, with very similar abilities to the Heralds of Slaanesh.
- Cultist of Slaanesh: The human servants of Slaanesh rely on close combat and special abilities in battle. However, they actually have their greatest use outside of battle, establishing Slaanesh cults
- Daemonettes: Slaanesh’s foot troops are fast melee fighters, with crab claws instead of normal hands.
- Exalted Daemonettes: As usual, the even better variant in all areas, also have sickle hands instead of scissor hands.
- Marauders of Slaanesh: Slaanesh’s only stable front line is formed by human marauders who resort to swords, spears or whips.
- Seekers: Some Daemonettes ride obscure demons that resemble a cross between a dinosaur and an anteater. The poisonous tongue makes for quite a few debuffs.
- Heartseeker: The improved variant of the Seeker Rider is automatically buffed when attacking a unit that is about to flee.
- Hellstrider: Basically, Hellstriders are human Chaos Knights, but without plate armour. They use spears or whips, are fast, poisonous and use shields. Can be placed as vanguard.
- Seeker Chariot: The above Seekers are not only ridden, but also pull chariots that appear to be made entirely of blades. Their wheels, for example, are saw blades.
- Exalted Seeker Chariot: Another chariot, but with even more blades. Functions as shock cavalry.
- Hellflayers: Another chariot variant that can go into a wild frenzy.
- Chaos Furies: These extremely fragile flying units are fast and appear in swarms. Also found in all other Chaos Hordes
- Spawn of Slaanesh: Even Slaanesh cultists mutate into abominations at some point and can no longer think straight.
- Keeper of Secrets: Slaanesh’s strongest demons are large, many-armed, magic-gifted, extremely fast and extremely effective in close combat.
- Fiends of Slaanesh: A chaotic mix of anteater, horse and scorpion. These large chimeras automatically lower the defence and attack values of their victims.
- Sould Grinder of Slaanesh: These demons are found in all Chaos armies. They are a mixture of monster and machine, making them very resilient, fast and strong.