Almost 170,000 players a day: Realistic military simulation suddenly more popular than ever


Across all platforms, the tactical shooter Arma Reforger is currently breaking new records.

Arma Reforger entered early access in May 2022 and should pave the way to Arma 4, which is scheduled for release in 2027, as a technological bridge and mod playground.

Now the realistic military sandbox is experiencing a boom and more active players than ever before – thanks in part to some very promising fan projects.

Arma developer Marek Spanel comments on Twitter (meanwhile X): “I’m very proud that our in-house Enfusion engine from the Czech Republic is powering the next generation of military gaming.”

Joint record of PC and console

As Arma developer Bohemia Interactive announces, Arma Reforger has not only sold more than 1.15 million copies across all platforms, K, but has also reached a new player high: on January 5, 2025, 169,210 users played in a single day, a new record for the military sim.

The distribution is as follows:

  • 75,145 daily players on PlayStation
  • 55,616 daily players on PC
  • 38,449 daily players on Xbox

On Steam, the day also saw a peak of over 12,000 users online in Arma Reforger at the same time. Watch the video to see what had changed by the time the 1.0 version was launched at the end of 2023:

Where did the record come from?The reasons for the increasing number of players are likely to include the PS5 release on December 12 and the Steam Winter Sale, during which Arma Reforger was offered at a 25 percent discount.

But there is another extremely important factor for Arma: mods!

Mod scene is heating up

For the Arma series, mods have always been very influential, as they were previously for its predecessor Operation Flashpoint. And in Arma Reforger, extensive fan projects are currently experiencing a new hype.

Currently, the WCS mod, among others, is very popular in the community. It replaces the Cold War scenario with a modern warfare setting– including contemporary factions, weapons, vehicles and so on.

Clips from Arma WCS are currently enjoying great popularity on YouTube, where, for example, the shooter influencer Jackfrags has published several videos on the project and even drawn comparisons with the Battlefield series.

Since the new Battlefield will probably not be released until the 2025 winter season at the earliest, Arma Reforger could actually shorten the waiting time for die-hard military fans.