Aloft: The airy survival adventure takes off


The survival game Aloftenters Early Access today, bringing players to a fascinating world of floating islands. Developed by Astrolabe and published by Funcom, Aloft offers a unique experience in which players restore the broken ecosystem of a floating world. They can travel through the sky alone or in groups of up to eight players with airships.

An innovative game world with creative possibilities

In Aloft, players explore a breathtaking world of floating islands shaped by wind forces. Using a customizable glider, they can navigate between these islands, collecting resources and discovering ancient technologies. Each island can be customized into a personal airship, with sails, steering wheels, and other structures to harness the wind into energy. In

The unique style of Aloft has already attracted the attention of the community in previous demos. Many players invested over 100 hours designing and decorating their flying islands. The Early Access expands the world of Aloft to three biomes, offering even more possibilities for creative gameplay.

Roadmap and future prospects

The developers of have presented a flexible roadmap that includes future updates and new features. The initial focus is on bug fixing and optimization, followed by quality-of-life improvements and fresh content. The roadmap shows that Aloft relies heavily on community feedback to adjust priorities and continuously improve the gaming experience.

In addition, the Early Access roadmap for Aloft includes highlights such as new decoration options, an improved combat system and the introduction of animal breeding. Creativity and community are at the heart of the game, as players can share their airships via the Steam Workshop or work with friends to build a floating city in the sky.

With today’s Early Access launch, Aloftis taking off into an exciting future. Thanks to its unique concept and active community, the game has the potential to make a significant contribution to the survival genre.