Amid the new hype surrounding Arma Reforger, fans are transforming the military sim into a new battlefield


The military simulation experienced a second spring a few weeks ago, and now a mod is filling another hole in the shooter hearts.

Battlefield fans have not had it easy in recent years, especially with 2042, development studio Dice has lost the favor of the fans. This year, with Battlefield 7, that should change again, but if you don’t trust the game or are simply impatient, you can get that good old Battlefield feeling back right now: with Arma Reforger

So far, there have been completely different reasons why Reforger is experiencing a hype, but the military simulation could convince even more players thanks to the new Battlefield mod ArmaField

What does the mod offer?

ArmaField is modeled on Battlefield 3 from 2011 and makes some changes to the normal Reforger play style. Included is:

  • A class system like in the Battlefield games
  • A progression system to unlock new weapons and modules
  • A user interface that strongly resembles Battlefield
  • No inventory or stamina limits
  • Third person in vehicles and first person in combat

Overall, the mod should offer a significantly faster gameplay than the vanilla version of Reforger. You can get a sneak peek of ArmaField in the following X-Post:

However, you should keep in mind that ArmaField is very fresh and therefore still in the testing phase. You also need the RHS Status Quo mod.

But there’s bad news for all of you Playstation players out there: ArmaField is currently only available on PC. Furthermore, the mod cannot yet reproduce huge battles like its great role model, and there is currently only room for 32 players on one server. However, the developers are already working on a 64-player version, along with other improvements.