An ingenious pen & paper role-playing game is on sale for 23 instead of 400 euros


Call of Cthulhu is one of the best tabletop role-playing games, especially for horror fans – Humble is currently offering a great bundle

If you’re thinking about trying out a new pen & paper or even getting a taste of the hobby, then you should definitely check out the Humble Bundle.

Here digital rulebooks for various systems are regularly packed into large bundles, which you can then simply bag for comparatively little money.

What’s the offer? Currently, the bundle is particularly worthwhile, because it offers a (large collection of books about Call of Cthulhu)

What’s inside? Included are enough works to start playing right away! So all you have to do is buy the bundle and you have everything you need. Including numerous adventures for lots of role-playing evenings.

What does it cost? The only disadvantage of the Humble book bundle is, of course, that the books are only available digitally. However, you also get works with a total value of 370 euros and only have to pay 23 euros for them.

To get in the perfect Cthulhu mood, just watch the trailer for the video game! Pure Lovecraft atmosphere:

This is all in the new book bundle

Of course, you can also choose to spend more money if you like the content and are willing to dig a little deeper into your pocket. You can also spend less than 23 euros, but then you won’t get all 25 items – you’ll have to pay at least 23 euros for that.

For horror fans in particular, however, the investment could be worthwhile. Call of Cthulhu is a highly regarded rules system that is based on the works of horror icon H.P. Lovecraft and offers an enormously atmospheric world full of cosmological monsters or rituals. A world that threatens to drive your investigators slightly mad.

The bundle includes rulebooks as well as adventure volumes and some in-depth info volumes to familiarize you with the Cthulhu Mythology. Some of the most important books in the bundle are:

  • Starter Set: Everything you need to start playing with your friends right away.
  • Investigator Handbook: An important rulebook for all players who want to build their own character.
  • Keeper Rulebook: An important rulebook for the game management of your round, with information on rules, spells or monsters.
  • Berlin: The Wicked City: A scenario overview of Berlin in the world of Call of Cthulhu, including some playable scenarios.
  • Reign of Terror: A complete story campaign during the French Revolution.

As is always the case with Humble offers, the books are all in English. So at least the game master should not be afraid to plow through the English texts. The entire book bundle is still available until January 27th.

What’s your opinion on the Call of Cthulhu bundle? Is this the perfect opportunity for you to finally venture into this eerie world full of mysteries, or are you still not interested in the system? Do you perhaps already play Call of Cthulhu regularly? If so, does the package help you and can you recommend it? Let us know in the comments below: