Apex Legends gives the two most powerful weapons big nerfs


After the Legacy Update, Apex Legends is now ready for balance improvements. It hits the Spitfire and the Bocek Bow.

On Steam, there are currently more players in Apex Legends than ever before. With the Legacy update and the new Arenas mode, the maximum number of simultaneously active players on Steam rose to over 330,000.

However, fans of the Battle Royale shooter also suffered from two overpowered weapons: The Bocek bow and the Spitfire machine gun.

A new patch has now addressed this issue. Both the powerful Bocek combat bow and the Spitfire LMG have been significantly weakened. What exactly has been changed, you can read in the following.

These nerfs hit Bocek and Spitfire

Whoever is playing Apex Legends now should experience better weapon balance. These changes were made:


The combat bow Bocek now deals less damage on body hits, is a little slower to use overall, and players can no longer carry as much ammo. These are the bare numbers:

  • Body hit damage: 60 (previously 70)
  • Charge Time: Increased to 0.56 seconds (previously 0.54)
  • Deadeye Speed Charge Time: Increased to 0.38 seconds (previously 0.32)
  • Ammunition: Reduced to 14 (previously 16)
  • Inventory Ammunition: Reduced to 28 (previously 48)


The Spitfire Light Machine Gun now deals less damage per shot. It also reduces damage per second by reducing the maximum magazine size. Specifically, developer Respawn made the following adjustments to Apex Legends:

  • Damage per shot: 18 (previously 19)
  • Violet and Gold Magazine Size: 50 (previously 55)

With this, the two overpowered weapons in Apex Legends should now be noticeably weaker. Whether the nerf is sufficient, however, can only be said with certainty once the changes have been tested for a while in live operation.