Apex Legends: Trailer shows new hero and weapon in action

Apex legends ‎Game Trailer and info
Apex legends ‎Game Trailer and info

Apex Legends will start a new season on 3 August and, as usual, will bring some new features to the multiplayer shooter. First and foremost, with the new season you can finally play the new legend Seer, who specialises in tracking, similar to Bloodhound.

What we already know about Seer: His passive ability is a kind of heartbeat sensor that allows you to detect nearby enemies when you aim your weapon. Once you have found an enemy, you can use Seer’s tactical ability to send his drones to reveal your enemy’s exact location. His ultimate ability is then a web of drones that spans a certain radius and shows the positions of all moving enemies. You can see some of this already in the trailer

What else is coming with Season 10? In addition to the new legend, you will also get your hands on a new weapon. The Rampage is an LMG that adds extra firepower to your arsenal. As usual, there is also a new Battle Pass and a map update. This time, Worlds End has been adapted and made smaller. You can see blue flags and an ominous sign everywhere. We don’t yet know what this is all about.

In addition, with the new season you can finally play Ranked matches in Arena mode and advance the familiar division system from Bronze to Apex Predator. Three new arena maps will also find their way into the game.